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Brain waves: Meditation meets science
by Joe Rojas-Burke

The Oregonian    Translate This Article
21 April 2006

On 21 April 2006 The Oregonian reported: A presentation given by the Portland Transcendental Meditation Business and Professionals Association in Oregon, USA, included a live demonstration of how brainwave coherence increases during the practice of the Transcendental Meditation Technique. It is a joy for Global Good News service to feature this news, which indicates the success of the life-supporting programmes Maharishi has designed to bring fulfilment to the field of business.

During the presentation Maharishi University of Management student Ryan Olson practised the TM Technique while an EEG machine measured his brainwave activity for the audience to see.

The Oregonian reported: 'As Olson began, the results were dramatic: his brain wave signals grew stronger and the chaotic traces settled into a coordinated groove.' Neuroscientist Alarik Arenander explained the mechanics of the process to those watching.

According to the article, the Portland Transcendental Meditation Business and Professionals Association offers the Transcendental Meditation Technique as a means of 'stress reduction, improved alertness and other potential benefits'.

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