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Maharishi calls global banking system 'timid and shameful' for allowing billions of people to live in poverty and suffering

Global Financial Capital of New York    Translate This Article
25 June 2007

Press Release


Maharishi Calls Global Banking System 'Timid and Shameful'
for Allowing Billions of People to Live in Poverty and Suffering

Declares Poverty Removal Programme of the Global Financial Capital
of New York 'Will Eliminate World Poverty within Months—Not Years'

His Holiness Maharishi Mahesh Yogi this week denounced the world economy—and the global banking system, in particular—as 'timid, shameful, and cruel' because the current system allows billions of people throughout the world to live in abject poverty and suffering.

At the same time, Maharishi proclaimed that the Poverty Removal Programme of the Global Financial Capital of New York, now under way in developing countries worldwide, is positioned to eliminate world poverty 'within months—not years.'

Third Global Conference on Poverty Removal

Maharishi's pronouncements highlighted the 'Third Global Conference on Poverty Removal,' which was held on 19 June at the Global Financial Capital of New York, 70 Broad Street—one block from the New York Stock Exchange. Maharishi spoke via satellite and Internet webcast from the Capital of the Global Country of World Peace in Meru, Holland.

Conference speakers included Dr John Hagelin, Executive Director of the International Center for Invincible Defense and Minister of Science and Technology of the Global Country of World Peace; Dr Bevan Morris, Prime Minister of the Global Country of World Peace; Dr Benjamin Feldman, Minister of Finance and Planning of the Global Country of World Peace; and Dr John Konhaus, Professor of Vedic Organic Agriculture at Maharishi University of World Peace in Meru, Holland, and Raja (Administrator) of California.

(Replays of the conference, as well as the schedule of upcoming conferences, are available at

Maharishi said the world's largest banks are 'fearful of risk'—investing their money only where they see a profit in advance. 'Such a timid system will never create a world free from poverty—such a system is a shame to human creativity, to human endeavors, to human life,' Maharishi said.

Removing poverty by enlivening creativity and 
intelligence in the life of the people

Maharishi explained that existing poverty removal programmes are doomed because they are superficial and limited—they seek to eliminate poverty through the allocation of wealth. 'How do you remove poverty on a permanent basis? Not by giving away wealth—but by enlivening creativity and intelligence in the life of the people,' Maharishi said.

For this, Maharishi said, the Poverty Removal Programme of the Global Financial Capital of New York utilizes scientifically proven technologies of consciousness, including the Transcendental Meditation Technique and Yogic Flying, to enliven in individual and national consciousness the Unified Field, the source of the infinite creativity and intelligence within man and nature.

'We are establishing in every country a group of a few hundred to a few thousand Yogic Flyers (the number of experts depends upon the population of the country),' Maharishi said. 'Through their collective practice, these experts are enlivening the Unified Field—the unified basis of the diversified universe—to create integrated national consciousness for a positive, prosperous, invincible nation.'

Extensive published scientific research has found that group practice of Yogic Flying by as few as the square root of one per cent of a nation's population is sufficient to reduce negative trends, such as crime and violence, and strengthen positive economic and social trends throughout the entire nation.

Transformation of the world from poverty to affluence is a natural phenomenon

Maharishi emphasized that this global transformation, now under way, from poverty and suffering to affluence and invincibility is not due to manmade efforts—but rather is a natural phenomenon. 'All good things happen naturally. The sun rises at dawn and the darkness of the night disappears—naturally. No one is required to make an effort for the sun to rise. In the same way, with the rise of coherence in world consciousness brought about by the discovery and application of the Unified Field, the removal of poverty is a natural phenomenon. And with it, the vast disparity between the wealthy nations and poor nations will come to an end, naturally,' Maharishi said.

'Life is NOT suffering—life is bliss'

Maharishi concluded his address with a pointed message to religious leaders who proclaim that the path to God realization is a path of suffering. 'The time is over for all those religions that have prevailed in the world which declare life is suffering,' Maharishi said. 'Life is NOT suffering—life is bliss. When you walk towards the light, darkness does not grow stronger—the light grows brighter.'

The Poverty Removal Programme of the Global Financial Capital of New York

The Poverty Removal Programme of the Global Financial Capital of New York will create economic balance in the world family. Every country will enjoy affluence and abundance. Permanent world peace will be based on the enlivenment of the full creativity of every nation.


•There are more than 40 million hectares of unused, fertile, agricultural land in the world. Cultivating this land to grow crops for export through the Poverty Removal Programme will create the revenues to eliminate the poverty of the world's poorest nations.

•All crops will be gown organic, free from the damaging chemicals and toxins of modern agriculture.

•The implementation of an organic agricultural project in a country will provide increased employment at higher wages (at least corresponding to the middle income bracket), and will include construction of new villages with proper homes, schools, and clinics—and good food for the people.

•Young people will be able to attend the schools and practise together powerful technologies of consciousness, including Transcendental Meditation and Yogic Flying, to develop their own total brain potential—the greatest resource of the nation.

•These groups of Yogic Flyers will generate a powerful influence of coherence and harmony in society—creating integrated national consciousness, which is the basis for national creativity, affluence, and invincibility—and permanent world peace in the family of nations.

•These projects will be financed using the RAAM—the Global Development Currency of the Global Country of World Peace—which will act as a catalyst to spur agricultural and other start-ups in the poorest countries. (Already, the RAAM is circulating side by side with the euro in eight countries of the European Union, including Germany.)

•After two or three growing seasons, when the organic crops have been sold in the international market, abundant revenues will come to the country in currencies such as the dollar, yen, or euro. The RAAM may then be retired if so desired. In this way, the RAAM will act as a catalyst to unfold the nation's unused resources, to stimulate the creativity of the land and the people, and raise the quality of life of all citizens to an ideal level.

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