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The continuing results of the Invincible America Assembly currently taking place in Fairfield and Maharishi Vedic City, Iowa, USA - Part I
by Global Good News Staff Writer

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26 August 2007

Speaking recently to a Global Press Conference on the rise of positive trends throughout the United States, Dr John Hagelin, Minister of Science and Technology of the Global Country of World Peace, reported on the continuing results of the coherence produced in collective consciousness by a large group of Yogic Flyers practising the Transcendental Meditation and TM-Sidhi Programme together in Fairfield and Maharishi Vedic City, Iowa, USA.

Dr Hagelin, world-renowned quantum physicist and Executive Director of the International Center for Invincible Defense in New York City, USA, pointed out that the focus of the Press Conference was the group dynamics of consciousness. He gave the example of a special assembly held in Washington, D.C. during the summer of 1993, when close to 4,000 individuals gathered temporarily in the capital city of America to reduce crime and social stress in that highly stressed city, and to promote life in accord with natural law for problem free government.

Dr Hagelin said that another such demonstration on a grand scale of group practice of Transcendental Meditation and its advanced techniques including Yogic Flying, is currently taking place in Fairfield and Maharishi Vedic City, Iowa, the home of Maharishi University of Management. This assembly is known as the Invincible America Assembly, and recently had its one year anniversary.

'To reduce violent crime is the most positive trend throughout the country,' said Dr Hagelin. 'This happens whenever at least the square root of 1% of a population gathers in one place, such as the Golden Domes, in Fairfield, Iowa, USA, where there are currently 1,800 advanced meditating experts producing coherence, peace, and positivity in the collective consciousness of the country.'

Dr Hagelin said that when this assembly began, based on previous research studies, predictions about the results of this Assembly were given to the Press in advance. All these predictions have been fulfilled, 'and some of them were extremely unexpected', said Dr Hagelin.

The first prediction was to do with the economy. The markets have risen from less than 12,000 to approximately 14,000. This was an extremely full prediction, said Dr Hagelin, because before the assembly began in July 2006, the market had been floundering below about 11,000 for many months.

In addition to this, there was a 27% rise in the Dow Jones Industrial Average, which is an historically unprecedented rise. A lower unemployment rate was also predicted and since then the US unemployment rate has fallen to a six-year low of about four and a half per cent. As also predicted, US consumer confidence has risen well above forecast.

'We also predicted profoundly improved US international relations,' Dr Hagelin said. 'This means that becoming more powerful and peaceful within itself, the United States would be more cooperative with other nations and engender fewer enemies. The Invincible America Assembly began on 23 July 2006, and this was just weeks after a very fierce battle broke out [in the Middle East] which could easily engulf the entire region.

'Within a few weeks of the start of the Invincible America Assembly the United States and France . . . united together to form a peace agreement that was put in place and still holds today. In another words, America's influence in the Middle East changed completely, from a proponent of the war to the most powerful protagonist of peace, and forged a peace agreement that defied all expectation and has continued to hold place even until today,' said Dr Hagelin. 'The United States has continued in this peaceful way and broke a resolution of long-standing, dangerous stand-offs with many formerly hostile nations.'

Among the US population as a whole, polls have shown a dramatic shift in United States attitudes towards the war in the Middle East, and other conflicts throughout the world, and both the people and Congress are shifting away from military approaches towards peaceful approaches to prevention of conflict. Other hostilities in Asia are reduced as predicted, which the US has hailed as the first steps to lasting peace. 'These predictions . . . were absolutely unbelievable nine months ago when they were launched,' and there has been 'a major and unexpected shift in US policy,' Dr Hagelin said.

Global Good News will feature Part II of this article on 30 August, 2007.

Copyright © 2007 Global Good News(sm) Service.

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