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Tiny cabins bring affordable Vastu design to North America and beyond
by Global Good News staff writer

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21 August 2012

A newly designed Maharishi Vastu cabin, also built according to 'small house movement' ideals, is garnering praise from all around the world.

The tiny home, only 260 square feet (about 24 square metres), also comes with a small price tag. The fully finished house is expected to sell for around US$30,000, making it one of the most affordable Vastu homes on the market.

According to architect Jon Lipman, creators Eric and Christian Hoffman have received much praise 'for creating a beautiful and affordable Maharishi Vastu housing option'.

Many people from the United States and abroad have enquired about how to rent a Vastu cabin for their trips to Fairfield, Iowa, the site of the original house. Many others have also requested a slightly larger cabin, around 400 square feet, to be their permanent home, so the Hoffmans are working on that project now.

In addition, some people living and working in Latin America have expressed interest in living in perfect Vastu at affordable prices. One person said to the Hoffmans, 'We should study ways of making your cabin available in Latin America and see if it would be possible to ship these cabins prefab overseas.'

Beyond affordability, one reason so many are interested in these cabins is the intelligence of the design.

According to Christian Hoffman on the Vastu Cabin website (, 'My new design has been long in the works. I kept refining and simplifying the space until it contained all the essential parts of a home in their most efficient form. The space is small but the lofted ceilings, and carefully laid out floor plan, make this cabin feel grand!'

Each cabin includes a full kitchen, marble countertops, bath with shower, sleeping loft, red oak floors, red cedar siding, and abundant natural light.

Mr Hoffman concluded via his website, 'Vastu Cabins are designed to feel cozy and nourishing. Living in a tiny house allows one the freedom to grow in all areas of life. The ancient Indian principles of Vastu are utilized in our cabins to support the growth of peace and happiness in the residents.'

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