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1-10 Simplify

U.S. News and World Report    Translate This Article
2 January 2005

The cover story in the 27 December 2004 issue of US World and News Report offered readers ten steps to help them simplify their lives and become more centred. The second step, 'learn to meditate' included the Transcendental Meditation Technique as a recommended form of the thousand-year-old mind-body practice.

In the section on meditation, the reporter noted that it has become clear that meditation provides a path to both spiritual development and to improved health. She cites recent studies on meditation that show that regular practice can help counter the damaging effects of stress, including heart disease, high blood pressure, anxiety, depression, insomnia, and infertility. The reporter went on to say that meditation has been shown to enhance the functioning of the immune system and to help alleviate symptoms and pain associated with chronic illnesses such as cancer aned fibromyalgia.

The article quoted Barrie Cassileth, chief of the Integrative Medicine Service at Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center in New York, as saying, 'Meditation allows people to deal with a wide range of incoming hits to the brain and psyche in a more manageable way'. The Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center is one of a growing number of hospitals that offer meditation which, according Cassileth, 'has no side effects and, once learned, doesn't cost a penny'.

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