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Nepal: Conference presents knowledge to fulfil the goals of religion and culture

Nepal Maharishi Vedic Foundation    Translate This Article
5 February 2012

Reporting on the international conference:

Fulfilling the Goals of Religion and Culture:
The Development of Consciousness for an Ideal Society
Presented by:
Nepal Maharishi Vedic Foundation

The conference was held in Kathmandu, Nepal in December 2011.


The conference materials describe Nepal as a country with rich cultural and religious traditions that have guided life in peace and progress generation after generation. It is a heritage that is precious to every citizen and an inspiration to our world family.

However, there is growing concern that in spite of best efforts of a nation there are still considerable challenges in providing an ideal quality of life. Conflict, crime, chronic disease, social tensions, unemployment and poverty are all indications that society is not growing in a problem-free manner.

In addition, in today's interconnected world, the population is exposed to foreign influences that often erode respect for those codes of conduct that uphold life in accord with higher values. In this light, young people may feel that their ancestors' beliefs and culture are losing their relevance or significance beyond mere tourism.

Objectives of the conference

The conference offered an understanding of:
∙ How can cultural leaders promote unity in a diverse population and prevent social conflict?
∙ How can the cultural and religious leaders ensure that every individual enjoys the fullness of their traditions?
∙ How can cultures maintain their integrity in the face of overwhelming foreign influences?
∙ How can even a small group of consciousness-based experts create an ideal society?
∙ What is the unique value of traditional rulers in administering society?
∙ How can young people be inspired to value their family traditions?
∙ How can local and national administration enjoy an alliance with the government of Nature?

The distinguished panel of speakers (see Part I of this article) offered the knowledge and technologies of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi for the development of individual and collective consciousness—to strengthen cultural integrity, prevent social conflict, and promote unity among a diverse population.

Other special guest speakers included Chandrakumar Serma Limbu 'Papohang', Aacharya (Master in Astrology), Kirat Religion and Literature Uplifting Association, Nepal; and Kingsley Brooks, PhD, International Director for Nepal, Global Country of World Peace, Netherlands.

The presentations were very well received, said Dr Chris Crowell, Director for Religion and Culture of the Global Country of World Peace, one of the other featured speakers. 'Everyone was inspired to take advantage of the knowledge that Maharishi has brought out to bring the complete revival of religious and cultural values.'

Global Good News will continue to feature more about the series of special conferences held in Nepal near the end of 2011.

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