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Maharishi Mahesh Yogi's insight into Vedanta: Ultimate knowledge, practically applied to create world peace
by Global Good News staff writer

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17 November 2012

At the 20th International Congress on Vedanta, held at Jawaharlal Nehru University in New Delhi, India, Lothar Pirc gave a keynote address about Maharishi Mahesh Yogi's contributions to the knowledge of Vedanta.

See Part I of this series: India: Maharishi's insights into Vedanta featured prominently in new published proceedings of international congress—was keynote address.

The PowerPoint keynote presentation was prepared by Mr Pirc together with Dr Girish Momaya, Director of Maharishi Vedic University, Netherlands, and Dr Susan Brown, professor at Maharishi University of Management, USA. Mr Pirc is Founder and Managing Director, Maharishi Ayurveda Health Centre Bad Ems, Germany, and General Secretary of EURAMA (European Ayurveda Medical Association).

The title of the presentation was 'Maharishi Mahesh Yogi's Insight into Vedanta, the Ultimate Knowledge of Life, and its Application to Bring World Peace – from Philosophy to Science'. Recently Mr Pirc and Dr Momaya reviewed the main themes, including many aspects of Maharishi's knowledge and programmes.

Dr Momaya spoke in depth about Maharishi's insights into Vedanta. Through the light of Maharishi's knowledge, it is possible to 'see the depth of Vedanta that Maharishi has expounded'.

But what is Vedanta and what is its significance?

Dr Momaya said that Vedanta is one of the Upangas, or Darshan Shastras, in the Vedic literature. The Upangas are cognitions of the Veda by different Rishis, or sages, that value principles of unity from different angles.

Vedanta is the cognition of the great Rishi Vyasa, Dr Momaya said. 'He expounds the totality of life, Brahman, as the ultimate source, course, and goal of life, and Moksha as the systematic path to enlightenment, to reach the highest pinnacle of human evolution.'

The text Vyasa wrote is known as the Brahma Sutra, Dr Momaya said. 'Maharishi brought out great insight and a great commentary on the Brahma Sutra. It starts with a quest to know Total Knowledge.' Dr Momaya translated the first verse from the Sanskrit: 'Here, now, is the quest to know Brahman,' and went on to give Maharishi's explanation that this is 'the quest to know the totality of life, the essence of everything that is—the unity, harmony, and order that underlie everything in creation,' Dr Momaya said. 'And how to attain that, how to experience that—the knowledge and experience of Brahman, and the path to enlightenment, to the highest evolution of mankind.'

To attain this highest level of evolution, Dr Momaya said, 'Maharishi has given us the wonderful technique of Transcendental Meditation and its higher advanced techniques . . . a practical approach to the experience and understanding of Brahman.'

Dr Momaya added, 'It is a great value that Maharishi has given us as individuals, opening the higher states of consciousness to our awareness, and at the same time applying the technology of Veda, the knowledge of Vedanta, to society at large to create an influence of harmony, Sattva [purity], and coherence in world consciousness'—and ultimately to transform world consciousness, eliminate stress, strain, and negativity in the environment, and establish the world in peace and bliss.

Global Good News will feature more of the recent report by Dr Momaya and Mr Pirc about the presentation at the 20th International Congress on Vedanta.

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