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Dr. Bevan Morris lectures to Ramayana students

The M.U.M. Review    Translate This Article
14 December 2005

[Maharishi] University [of Management] President Dr. Bevan Morris recently talked by videoconference to a literature class studying the Ramayana, and emphasized that the Ramayana can only be properly understood from Unity Consciousness.

Dr. Morris explained that the Ramayana is part of the Veda and Vedic Literature, the totality of all the Laws of Nature, and the Constitution of the Universe.

'The Ramayana is not a human creation,' Dr. Morris said. 'It is the fundamental vibration of that transcendental field that is in us at all times and experienced by Valmiki and other great sages.' He explained that stress, strain, and toxicity were the cause of our being unable to experience it in our own consciousness. However, he said these sad times are going to be over as Sat Yuga rises.

Dr. Morris quoted two significant expressions about the essential reality of the Ramayana. First, he said, 'Ram is Brahman, the embodiment of the transcendental reality.' He then added, 'In the reign of Ram, suffering belonged to no one. Ram set the standard of human behavior while maintaining that Ram was Brahman always.'

'Maharishi has given us the knowledge that Ram used,' Dr. Morris said. 'Soon heaven and earth will be indistinguishable.'

The course, taught by Dr. James Fairchild, included both Maharishi Vedic Science majors as well as literature majors. 'The course was great because it incorporated what the literature students and the Maharishi Vedic Science students were interested in learning,' said Erin Levi, fourth-year literature student.

The Ramayana is one of a series of five courses that Dr. Morris proposed to be part of the literature department curriculum. Last year students had the opportunity to study the profound teachings of Dao Te Ching in the Asian studies course. Earlier this semester a course on the Bhagavad=Gita was offered. Currently students are studying a course of transcendental literature. Soon a new course on ancient Greek and Roman literature will be taught.

Copyright © 2005 Maharishi University of Management

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