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Dr Susan Dillbeck presents the new curriculum of Maharishi Vedic University for Mothers of Society
by Global Good News staff writer

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10 July 2007

Dr Susan Dillbeck, President of the International Foundation of Vedic Education for mothers in every generation, recently presented an over view of the new curriculum of Maharishi Vedic University for Mothers of Society.

'The main theme of Maharishi Vedic University for Mothers of Society, as well as its goal, is Total Knowledge. How is this goal achieved? There is a phrase in the Vedic Literature: ''Through analysis and synthesis, Total Knowledge is unfolded in one single awareness.''

'How is the curriculum structured to do this? All disciplines are studied in the light of Total Knowledge, in light of the Veda. The progression is, in the first semester, each discipline is studied from its most diversified applied values at the outset, to more and more unifying principles as the semester progresses.

'This movement from diversity to unity is the first step—the convergence aspect of the curriculum—and all the topics, all the lessons, have this progression from most diverse to most unified. Then the students spend some weeks studying Atma, their own Self, through their own experience of Maharishi's Technologies of Consciousness, the Transcendental Meditation Technique and the advanced TM-Sidhi programme.

'Then the students spend the rest of the academic year in each of the twelve disciplines emerging from the Unified Field of Natural Law, going back—but informed in this greater knowledge and experience of the unified basis of all disciplines. So it's a different trip back, just as Maharishi said, the child has to learn the path to school, and has to learn the path back from school.

'Every discipline in the curriculum is presented in terms of its definition, ideal, and transcendental value, so that no area of transcendental knowledge—no main idea of any discipline—is left unconnected to the Self of the student. . . .

'The Maharishi Vedic University curriculum also identifies the knowledge of each discipline . . . What is the knowledge that the Mothers of Society need to possess from each of these areas, to raise the coming generations to enlightenment, and maintain an integrated national consciousness?

'This is an added feature of Maharishi Vedic University curriculum for the Mothers of Society. The goal is, in Maharishi's words, ''to have the knowledge of one's unbounded value. I am Totality. I am Brahm. I am everything.''

'And that we know by the proof, that if I think something, Natural Law obeys me. I command through my thought. Natural Law takes over and accomplishes things for me. This education, this knowledge, is what our education (for the Mothers of Society) provides,' said Dr Susan Dillbeck. Our programme is: ''Follow your own value of life, and you will be able to command infinity, totality.'' '

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