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The birth of Brahm: Maharishi speaks on Brahma vidya, 5 July, 2007 - Part III
by Global Good News Staff Writer

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26 July 2007

Maharishi continues to bring out the details of Brahma vidya in the context of the birth of a Raja.

In Part I of this talk, Maharishi spoke about Gyan shakti, Kriya shakti, and Brahm vidya, the knowledge of Brahm, Totality. Maharishi went deeply into the nature of unity and diversity, and silence and dynamism.

In Part II, Maharishi continued his commentary on Veda in terms of memory, sound and gap, the rigidity of the number system, and the flow of language.

Now in this concluding Part III, Maharishi asks: 'Why is Brahm a goal of all the pursuits of knowledge? Because it has the ability to command total life—Totality. At the same time, it is commanding diversity. So the ability to command both diversity and unity is the ability to hold on to the process of diversification without losing hold on [unity]. Diversity, unity, diversity, unity.

Aspiring to cultivate Brahm, Totality, by being it
'So one aspires to get this level of intelligence cultivated. One aspires, one understands the whole thing intellectually: one understands oneself intellectually, and one experiences it by being it; by being it one experiences it. One is completely identified with it. Identification with the field, with the quality and essential nature of Brahm has been the fondest—fondest underlined—the fondest aspiration of the wise throughout the ages, because it's a field of all possibilities.

'Our Rajas have had some small period of training into this, and once they sit on the boat, the boat is going to take them across the ocean. This is the value of our devotion to Guru Dev*. Gururbrahma, Gururvishnur, Gururdevo Mahesvarah, Guruh Sakshat Param Brahma Tasmai Sri Gurave Namah. Guruh saksat param Brahma: Guruh in the status of the embodiment of total knowledge of Brahm.

Peace stirred—Stirring the ocean of knowledge
'This is the stirring of the ocean of knowledge on the level of celebration of the birth of the Raja Pe-ter—peace stirred. Peace stirred means ''Peace made invincible''; that peace is not disturbed through stirring, through action, through practice. The perfection of a Raja is in practising unshakeability in the midst of that reality which is one and infinity at the same time: Richo Akshare, Akshare, Akshare. Richo Akshare. The whole Veda becomes a living reality; all the commentaries of the Veda becoming a practically lived reality and that is the consciousness of the Raja—Raja Consciousness.

The exposure of Brahma vidya in the context of Janma, birth—the birth of a Raja
'Consciousness-Based Education is for that. That is one single point. Infinity is seen lively. [This is the] beautiful exposure of Brahmavidya—the total field of knowledge of Brahm in the context of Janma, in the context of birth: the birth of a Raja. The birth of a Raja is the birth of Brahman Consciousness [the highest level of human development]. So we have very beautifully celebrated, because celebrating the birth of a Raja is celebrating the dawn of Total knowledge. The dawn of Total Knowledge makes us blossom on the way of perfection.

Perfection is in our naturalness and simplicity
'Where is perfection? In our naturalness, [in our] simplicity of knowledge and action—[in] the science of knowledge and technology of knowledge—the ability to do anything, everything, on a level where everything in the universe [is] in a unified, [di]versified state both together. [It is] a beautiful occasion that we have celebrated our dear Raja Peter's birthday and the Communication Minister inspired the turn-key of the invaluable treasury of knowledge, invaluable treasury of knowledge....

The total vision of science and technology
'What Dr Hagelin has been proclaiming—the total vision of science and technology—is being celebrated as a living content of the life of Raja Consciousness. It's a beautiful reflection, a beautiful ownership of Raja Consciousness, and this is how very proudly we are able to celebrate a Raja's birthday. A Raja's birthday celebration is a celebration of Brahm, Total Knowledge in action. Total Knowledge in action is centred in 'A', the first syllable of the Veda, which is the flow of Atma, the flow of the Self.

Making the Atma a living reality
'Everything is there in the Atma. It has to be intellectually investigated, decided, and made a living reality. And this is living that one ordainment of the Vedic [knowledge]: Atma va are Drashtavyah Shrotavyah Mantavyah Nididhyasitavyah; Atma va are shrotavyah: ''Atma is worthy of hearing.'' You hear about Atma from the embodiment of Atma, the embodiment of Brahm, Guru Dev.

'Atma va are drashtavyah: ''You see it, you see it. You see the unseen, intellectually comprehend it.'' Atma va are drashtavyah shrotavyah mantavyah: we get down to this level of the senses, and the level of the mind, Mantavyah. Nididhyasitavyah, and the level of intellect where you can distinguish and decide; and the level of Being where you rise to Aham Vishvam, ''I am the Vishva, I am the universe.''

All this is from one syllable of Guru Dev, Pashya, ''See''
'[It is] such a beautiful flow of knowledge and all this is from what? From one syllable instruction of Guru Dev*. What is that one syllable instruction of Guru Dev? Pashya, Pashya, Pashya. Just that one syllable. Pashya means ''See, see, see.'' Pashya, Pashya, Pashya: that Brahm is not far; [it is] is not hidden from view. Pashya is unmanifest, but you see it, you see it.''

'Pashya me yogam aishvaram. This is what Lord Krishna said [in the Bhagavad-Gita], Pashya me yogam aishvaram: ''Behold my dignity of Brahm.'' Pashya me yogam aishvaram: ''See my Aishvaram, see my grandeur, see my magnanimity, see my reality.'' Pashya, Pashya, Pashya.

'Because it is omnipresent, omniscient, it is everywhere; it is self-referral, everywhere, and therefore you have only to see, only to see. Guru Dev says ''Pashya, Pashya, Pashya.'' He shows through intellectual commentaries on 'A,' one single thing: the innumerable values of the interpretation of 'A'. Every fibre of 'A', Totality, is Veda. There is the knowledge of it. ''Pashya, pashya, pashya.''

'So the tradition of Vedic Masters, through which they teach, is very simple: one syllable, one word, to disclose the totality of knowledge. ''Pashya, pashya, pashya, pashya.'' See, see, see. That is why Jnananjana shalakayah, that is why the glory of the Guru. He gives us the ointment for our eyes to begin to see. This is the eyes of Gyan. Gyan Shakti unfolds. Gyan Shakti, Kriya Shakti, the unity of the two is exposed in the simplicity of the contradictory values.

Two contradictory values brought together make it Brahm
'The two contradictory values brought together make it Brahm. Atma. 'A' and 'Ma'. 'A' infinity, 'Ma' is point. Two things brought together, that is Brahm, Brahm, Brahm. It's a beautiful thing that one could...swim through the waves, and get across the ocean.

'It's very beautiful. In the celebration of the Raja of Latin America [Raja Jose Luis] the other day, we went across the multiple geography of the pure knowledge, and today we went through the multiplicity of Total Knowledge. Both ways Total Knowledge—in space and in the activity of space: silence and activity, and surprisingly, both at the same time.

Our turn-key operation for Invincibility
'This is our platform, which is promising a turn-key operation for every single individual life on earth to be on the level of invincibility on the [individual] level and on the combined level; on the national level and on the universal level. It's such a beautiful thing that Maharaja Nader Raam is inspiring world consciousness to be awake in its reality, and this is the reality of unity of two divergent values, science and technology.

Gyan Shakti, Kriya Shakti
'Gyan Shakti, Kriya Shakti together—this is what makes the field of administration science of administration, where the administrator is not seen, but he causes administration to keep on going, keep going, keep going, eternally. It's a very good opportunity for us, for all the future. The voice of every generation will rejoice in celebrating birthdays like this.

Invincibility is dawning
'It's a very great thing, and invincibility is dawning. Invincibility is dawning, and the effect that is being produced in the world is the transformation of the destructive tendencies of major governments. Governments are tumbling down, tumbling down, very quietly, very naturally, very spontaneously; it is a national action, a national action. So all the transformation that is going to be witnessed by the wise of this generation, all that has started to be at the door.

'All our Rajas are really set on their reality of awareness, the reality of Brahm. And when we say Gururbrahma gururvishnur gururdevo mahesvarah, guruh saksat param Brahma, Guru is personified Brahm, therefore we identify ourselves with Guru Dev.

'It's a very beautiful celebration of dear Raja Peter. Raja Peter, live long to guide mankind and put all nations to the level of invincibility. All glory to Guru Dev. All Glory to Guru Dev, [who] is bringing Heaven on Earth. Minister of Communication, give us the joy of your Heaven descending on Earth [the song 'Heaven is descending']. And ring the Bell of Invincibility in the memory of Guru Dev—permanent peace on earth in the memory of Guru Dev; permanent peace on earth in the memory of the rise of Guru Dev in our awareness today. Jai Guru Dev.'

* Maharishi's Master, Shri Guru Dev, His Divinity Brahmanand Saraswati, Jagatguru Shankaracharya of Jyotir Math, Himalayas, to whom Maharishi gives all credit for the total Vedic wisdom of Natural Law.

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