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Consul General of India in Chicago visits Maharishi University of Management
by Global Good News staff writer

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29 May 2008

Speaking recently on Maharishi Global Family Chat, Dr Craig Pearson, Executive Vice President of Maharishi University of Management (M.U.M.) in Fairfield, Iowa, USA, gave an account of his recent visit with the Consul General of India, who came to M.U.M. from the Chicago Consulate.

The former Consul General of India, whom Dr Pearson visited last spring in Chicago, expressed great interest in Maharishi's Transcendental Meditation Technique, even preparing a presentation on the subject for his colleagues. 'Although the former Consul General was unable to visit M.U.M. when I extended my invitation,' said Dr Pearson, 'somehow that impulse of invitation was retained with the current Consul.'

Dr Pearson organized many activities for the Consul's two-day visit at M.U.M., from 3-5 May, including a tutorial of the many branches of Maharishi's Vedic Science taught at the university. For the first night, Dr Pearson held a banquet in honour of the Consul, which many business leaders from Fairfield attended. These guests, all of whom practise the Yogic Flying technique, stood up to describe themselves, their businesses, why they had settled in Fairfield, and the successes they enjoyed. 'It was very inspiring for all of us, including the Consul General,' remarked Dr Pearson.

The morning after the banquet, the Consul General was served breakfast in the new Argiro Student Center, where he was accompanied by Indian computer science students. After the breakfast, he received a tour of the Golden Domes, where Yogic Flyers gather twice a day. He also had the chance to meet the resident specialist in Maharishi Vedic Vibration Technology; Vaidya Manohar, expert in Maharishi Ayur-Veda; Raja Dr John Hagelin, renowned quantum physicist and Raja of Invincible America; and Dr Fred Travis, Professor of Neuroscience and Director of the Center for Brain, Consciousness, and Cognition at the university.

Dr Pearson reported that, near the end of his visit, the Consul General said to him, regarding his tour of M.U.M., 'I have been everywhere in the world and have had all kinds of experiences, but never have I experienced anything like this.' The Consul General also offered to sponsor a benefit in Chicago for the Global Country of World Peace, where he would host all of the consulates in Chicago. 'We've long dreamed of forming a pipeline between M.U.M. and the city of Chicago,' commented Dr Pearson.

Even before the Consul General came to M.U.M., reported Dr Pearson, he and his wife had planned a second visit with their two daughters, both working professionals in New York City. 'We look forward to continuing our correspondence with the Consul General in the near future,' concluded Dr Pearson.

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