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Enthusiastic response to Consciousness-Based Education on tour of Europe, Middle East, North America
by Global Good News staff writer

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3 December 2008

During Maharishi's Global Family Chat on 29 November, Dr Ashley Deans, Executive Director of Maharishi School in Fairfield, Iowa, USA, gave a inspiring report of his recent tour about Consciousness-Based Education. Dr Deans is also the Global Ambassador for Consciousness-Based Education for the Global Country of World Peace, and Director of Education for Invincible America in the national administration of Raja John Hagelin.

Dr Deans visited thirteen countries: the United States (the third annual National Summit on Student Health and Education in New York), Finland, Lithuania, Poland, Montenegro, Denmark, the Ukraine, Moldova, Turkey, Lebanon, Egypt, Israel, and Canada.

Dr Deans said that the reception given to his presentations to top-level education officials in these countries—both in the government and in the school systems—'made it feel like the fulfilment of everything Maharishi Mahesh Yogi has planned for education is now about to happen'.

Many presentations were so well-attended that there was standing room only; everyone was eager to hear about Consciousness-Based Education, and audiences often gave standing ovations at the end. Dr Deans also said that at the end of his lectures, audiences often expressed similar responses: 'We want this knowledge of Maharishi's and we want it now!'

Dr Deans commented that 'what we found everywhere in the world is that the education leaders, as well as the students, are wide open to Maharishi's ideal system of education and the idea of Consciousness-Based Education. They listened eagerly and attentively to the presentations.

'Education leaders openly acknowledged the fundamental need they have to enliven the total creative potential of the student and to dissolve the deeply-rooted stresses that are blocking the unfoldment of this creative potential.'

Dr Deans mentioned that in some of the countries there are more than enough students waiting to begin Consciousness-Based Education to create invincibility for that country. 'In one city,' Dr Deans said, 'there is actually a competition between the school directors to see who can be the first to create invincibility for the nation!'*

Anyone wishing to contact Dr Deans about giving presentations on Maharishi's Consciousness-Based Education in their area can email him at:

* One of Maharishi's programmes for creating world peace is to establish invincibility for every nation through the group practice of Transcendental Meditation and the Transcendental Meditation Sidhi Programme, including Yogic Flying, by students in schools, colleges, and universities around the world, thus creating coherence in the collective consciousness of their nation, the basis of world peace.

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