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Maharishi University of Enlightenment: A model for the global expansion of Enlightenment-Based universities for ladies

Global Mother Divine Organization    Translate This Article
13 January 2009

On 11 January 2009, the President of Maharishi University of Enlightenment (MUE) announced the global expansion of Enlightenment-Based universities for ladies, during the global celebration of MUE's 11th anniversary.

The announcement was made during the Global Mother Divine Organization's* Full Moon celebration, held in MERU Holland and in Maharishi Vedic City, USA, during the Global 12 January Celebrations, and enjoyed around the world via the Internet on the Maharishi Channel.

In her address, the President described the history of Maharishi University of Enlightenment, and its role as a model university for ladies offering degrees in Maharishi Vedic Science.

The President is one of the Raj Rajeshwaris—Mothers of the World from the Sovereign Domain of Consciousness—leading the field of Total Knowledge-Based Education, and she also explained how the establishment and maturing of MUE has formed the basis for fulfilling the global expansion project inspired by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi in December 2007 to establish ladies' universities in every country.

The President's address followed the playing of the video of an historic address by Maharishi on Mother's Day in 1976, in which he first proposed the establishment of a global organization of international universities providing education through which children would become enlightened citizens of the world, living spontaneously in accordance with all the Laws of Nature, not making mistakes or suffering.

Following is the text of the President's address:

'As we have just heard in this excerpt from Maharishi's beautiful talk on Mother's Day in 1976, Maharishi first offered to the mothers of the world the gift of an Enlightenment-Based university 33 years ago.

'Now, celebrating the 11th Anniversary of Maharishi University of Enlightenment, we are enjoying the first fruits of that precious seed, sown more than three decades ago.

'Maharishi University of Enlightenment, licensed by the Board of Governors of the University of North Carolina, and authorized by the City Council of Maharishi Vedic City, Iowa, to offer BA, MA, and PhD degrees in Maharishi Vedic Science, the Science of Consciousness, is the first ladies' university in the world authorized to offer degrees in Maharishi Vedic Science. MUE currently offers its degree programmes to members of the Mother Divine Programme and has graduated two classes at all three degree levels, with a third graduation to take place this year.

'On 2 December 2007, the day that the Global Mother Divine Organization was inaugurated, Maharishi also asked for a university to be established in every country. We are going ahead and starting Global Mother Divine Organization in every country and then we will extend that to a university in every country.

'One of my favorite principles brought to light by Consciousness-Based Education is the natural cycle of Knowledge, Action, Achievement, and Fulfilment. Maharishi gave us the knowledge and inspiration to establish a university to educate the mothers of the world. We acted on that knowledge and achieved the establishment of Maharishi University of Enlightenment, and we are now enjoying the fulfilment of seeing how MUE has matured into a model ladies' university. That fulfilment provides the platform for a new cycle of Knowledge, Action, Achievement, and Fulfilment on an even higher level as we today launch our global expansion project to establish a ladies' university in every country.

'Maharishi has always been fond of saying, ''The taste of [the] pudding is in the eating.'' We wanted to begin our programme today by giving you a taste of the education that students seeking enlightenment are receiving at Maharishi University of Enlightenment. We have asked two graduates to present highlights of their final degree projects. There will only be time to hear from graduates of the PhD and MA programmes, but in a future broadcast we would also like to give you the opportunity to hear from some graduates of our BA programme, who enjoy finding the knowledge of all disciplines in the Self.

'These presentations by our MUE graduates will be followed by a global panel discussion addressing the why, how, where, who, and when of establishing universities not only for members of the Mother Divine Programme**, but for all ladies in countries around the world—universities that will fulfil Maharishi's intention to give the mothers of every generation an institution whereby the desire of Mother will always be fulfilled that no child on earth will be unhappy. Mother will be giving such education to the child so that no child will ever suffer because the Mother will make the child enlightened.'

The Global Mother Divine Organization's presentations during the 12 January Global Assembly continue on 14 and 16 January, and will be broadcast live and replayed on the Maharishi Channel. Please visit 'Global Mother Divine Organization celebrates' for more details about the programme of presentations, and for the daily Assembly broadcast and replay schedule.

* In the ancient Vedic tradition of knowledge, 'Mother Divine' refers to the universal, all-nourishing qualities of Natural Law lively within all of creation and within the silent consciousness of everyone, which always promote life in the direction of peace, affluence, health, and happiness. The Global Mother Divine Organization was established to enliven the qualities of Mother Divine in the ladies of every nation, raising them to a sublime level of inner fulfilment, enlightenment, and creating harmony, prosperity, and everlasting peace in the world. To achieve this goal, the Global Mother Divine Organization has five foundations that offer knowledge and practical, scientifically proven programmes developed by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi to enrich every area of life.

** The Mother Divine Programme, inaugurated in 1981, is an advanced programme to allow ladies the opportunity to deepen their experiences of the Transcendental Meditation and Transcendental Meditation Sidhi Programmes and enliven 24-hour bliss in daily life; and to radiate a powerful global influence of harmony and bliss through large, permanent coherence-creating groups, and through inspiring the activities of the Global Mother Divine Organization in 192 countries.

© Copyright 2009 Global Mother Divine Organization

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