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Cyprus and Albania receptive to Consciousness-Based Education on Dr Ashley Deans' tour
by Global Good News staff writer

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17 April 2010

Educators, government officials, and the public in Cyprus and Albania have shown great receptivity to Consciousness-Based Education over the last few months, during which Dr Ashley Deans, Global Ambassador for Consciousness-Based Education, toured universities and schools in these countries.

In Cyprus, Dr Deans organized a conference for the public, during which the audience showed great enthusiasm at the prospect of introducing Consciousness-Based Education into their schools. In addition, conference participants were excited that a group of only 100 Yogic Flyers is needed to create invincibility for the nation.

Dr Deans met with a former high government minister of Cyprus, who expressed great interest in the Transcendental Meditation Programme and its benefits for education. 'Right away [he] grasped the implications of Transcendental Meditation as a means to solve long-lasting divisions within his nation, relieve collective stress, and create invincibility,' noted Dr Deans in a report on 7 April 2009.

From Cyprus, Dr Deans traveled to Albania, where he convened with the administrator of the Transcendental Meditation Programme for Albania, to begin a tour of schools and universities in the country.

Among the universities visited by Dr Deans and the administrator in Tirana, the capital city of Albania, were Marin Barleti University and Universitas Fabrefacta Optime. Students and professors at both universities reacted extremely positively towards Dr Deans' lectures. 'Many Albanians are familiar with Maharishi Central University of Europe, currently being planned to be established near the junction of Albania, Macedonia, and Greece.' However, he noted, this was the first time much of the audience at these universities had been exposed to the knowledge of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi's programmes.

In addition, Dr Deans and the administrator met with the president of Tirana Agricultural University, to whom they explained the sustainable living programmes at Maharishi University of Management (M.U.M.) and the principles of Maharishi Vedic Organic Agriculture. 'We conveyed to the president how these programmes could help Albania become a leading exporter of Vedic organic produce throughout the world,' said Dr Deans. He went on to report that a memorandum of understanding had been signed between Tirana Agricultural University and M.U.M., with the intent to form an exchange between the two institutions.

Dr Deans concluded by reporting that Transcendental Meditation Teachers will soon be coming to Albania, in response to the desire of many thousands of people who attended the lectures on the nationwide tour to learn the practice.

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