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Consciousness-Based Education being presented to many schools in France
by Global Good News staff writer

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4 May 2009

In 2008 the number of people learning Transcendental Meditation in France rose dramatically, about two and a half times more than the two previous years. Many schools throughout France are hosting presentations about Consciousness-Based Education, and any school wanting to start a programme could receive funding from the David Lynch Foundation.

Speaking recently about the activities of the Transcendental Meditation Programme in France, Dr Dominique Lemoine, National Director of the Global Country of World Peace for France, displayed the French version of Global Good News. The Directors of Communication for the Global Country in France have translated the most prominent news from the Global Good News website, which is sent by subscription not only in France, but in other countries of the French speaking world.

Many international websites about Transcendental Meditation are being translated. The brochure by Raja John Hagelin* for establishing national invincibility and world peace has also been translated into French. This 16 page colour brochure is being used whenever the directors for France in 12 areas of national life approach leaders of society. 'This contains very basic knowledge about the Unified Field given to the public and it is very easy to read and understand,' Dr Lemoine said.

The French Director for Education, who with his family spent 14 years at Maharishi University of Management in the United States, has established a strong team to introduce Consciousness-Based Education in France. Materials and a website has been created for presenting Maharishi's knowledge, along with a leaflet in French about Consciousness-Based Education, scientific research, and benefits for students, teachers, and schools.

Consciousness-Based Education is now being presented to principals and teachers of private higher education institutions in France. The David Lynch Foundation has agreed that any school in France wanting to introduce this knowledge could receive funding from the foundation.

Dr Ashley Deans' book, A Record of Excellence has also been published in French and is another major resource of knowledge about Consciousness-Based Education. In the west of France a conference was held featuring a presentation on DVD by Raja Hagelin about Unified Field Based education. The regional directors for education there have regular meetings and conference calls with Raja Michael Dillbeck, Raja of Invincible France, and Dr Lemoine.

* Raja John Hagelin is a world-renowned quantum physicist and Executive Director of the International Center for Invincible Defense in New York City, USA. He is also Raja of Invincible America and Minister of Science and Technology of the Global Country of World Peace.

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