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Poland: University of Warsaw to host conference on Consciousness-based Education in October
by Global Good News staff writer

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14 May 2009

Hundreds of Polish educators, government and school officials, and journalists, were introduced to Consciousness-Based Education at two conferences in Warsaw and Lodz in November 2008. The foundation of the programme is the Transcendental Meditation Technique, which has been shown to improve students' brain functioning and academic success.

A number of leading institutions have expressed interest in implementing the programme. Leaders of the Global Country of World Peace, the organization that implements all of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi's programmes, including Consciousness-Based Education, recently returned to Poland to continue discussions with school officials. Please see Part I of this article, and a previous article about last year's conferences.

One of the directors at Warsaw University, the largest university in Poland, with 66,000 students, asked for an implementation proposal and suggested that the course be offered through their 'Open University' programme.

He is also providing support for a second conference which will take place on 19 October at the University. The conference will feature live and telecast presentations on brain research by Dr John Hagelin* (quantum physicist), Dr Fred Travis** (psychologist and brain expert), and Dr Robert Keith Wallace*** (neurophysiologist). There is also the possibility for a presentation by Dr David Lynch, the award-winning filmmaker whose foundation raises funds to teach one million at-risk children the Transcendental Meditation Programme in school programmes around the world.

* John Hagelin, PhD, Harvard-trained quantum physicist and President of the David Lynch Foundation, is one of the world's leading experts on the effects of meditation on health and brain functioning. He is Executive Director of the International Center for Invincible Defense in New York, Minister of Science and Technology of the Global Country of World Peace, and Raja of Invincible America.
** Fred Travis, PhD in physiology, is Director of the Center for Brain, Consciousness, and Cognition, and Senior Researcher at the Institute for the Study of Higher States of Consciousness, Maharishi University of Management, USA.
*** Robert Keith Wallace, PhD, is recognized as the pioneering researcher in the neurophysiology of higher states of consciousness. Dr Wallace is Professor of Physiology and Director of Research at Maharishi University of Management.

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