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 - updated Transcendental Meditation website - features '8 Reasons' to learn the technique
by Global Good News staff writer

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26 May 2009

The website, which offers a comprehensive introduction to the Transcendental Meditation Programme, has been newly updated to include a wider range of in-depth information on TM. The following are '8 Reasons' to learn Transcendental Meditation, featured on along with statements by experts in the fields listed.

1. Improving brain functioning
Gary Kaplan, MD, PhD, Neurologist at New York University Medical School:

'The TM technique simply and naturally allows the mind to settle down to experience a state of inner coherence and calm during which time the left and right hemispheres, and the front and back of the brain, begin to work in harmony with each other. This brain wave coherence has been correlated with improvements in memory, problem-solving and decision-making abilities. This change in brain functioning also affects the rest of the physiology, reducing high blood pressure, strengthening the heart, and overall improving health.'

2. Health
Kulreet Chaudry, MD, neurologist and medical director of Wellspring Neurology at Scripps Memorial Hospital, San Diego:

'The Transcendental Meditation technique has been shown to be the most effective health and wellness program there is. Nothing we know of is as effective for promoting good health and reducing health-care utilization and medical expenses.'

3. Focus
Russell Simmons, co-founder of the pioneering hip-hop label Def Jam, a founder of Russell Simmons Music Group, and the creator of the clothing fashion line Phat Farm:

'Transcendental Meditation promotes stillness—and when you are still is the only time you can think, the only time you can focus. When you have distractions and noise in your mind, you can't comprehend properly and you can't do your job. Comprehension comes from stillness, focus comes from stillness, and TM is the practice of touching that stillness for a few minutes twice a day.'

4. Creativity
David Lynch, award-winning filmmaker, photographer, painter, and author of Catching the Big Fish: Meditation, Consciousness, and Creativity:

'I have never missed a meditation in 34 years. I meditate once in the morning and once in the afternoon for about 20 minutes each time. Then I go about the business of my day. I find the joy of the 'doing' increases. Creativity increases. Intuition increases. The pleasure of life grows. And negativity recedes.'

5. Equanimity
Ramani Ayer, chairman and chief executive officer of The Hartford, one of the largest financial services and insurance companies in the US:

'I have been practicing the Transcendental Meditation technique for over 30 years. It has helped me to consistently raise my performance levels. It has helped me cope with the stresses and strains of life. And I believe very strongly that the practice of TM has helped me to maintain a steady state of mind—it has given me equanimity no matter what happens.'

6. Happiness
Mindy Weisel, whose art hangs in museums and institutions around the world, including the Smithsonian, Hirshhorn Museum, National Museum of American Art, Israel Museum, U.S. Capitol, and Baltimore Museum of Art:

'I am happier and more creative now than I ever would have imagined. I just wish I had started to meditate years ago, but I never realized it was something that you can be taught! What a joy it has been to learn TM—it's such a beautifully easy and natural technique.'

7. Relationships
Nancy Lonsdorf, MD, a Johns Hopkins-trained specialist in women's health:

'Regular TM practice not only settles the mind, it softens and nourishes the heart. The result is greater appreciation of others, more harmony, kindness and love. Mothers tell me their children remind them to meditate—I think that says it all.'

8. Peace
Jerry Yellin was in combat in the Pacific Theater in World War II and was awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross with an Oak Leaf cluster and the Air Medal with four Oak Leaf clusters:

'If there is really going to be peace in the world, then it has to start with the individual. A peaceful world is made up of peaceful individuals who are using their full potential. TM is a catalyst for peace. If more people practiced TM, the world would be more peaceful.'

© Copyright 2009

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