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Peru: 150,000 students to start Transcendental Meditation Programme
by Global Good News staff writer

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29 December 2009

On 15 December, Dr Javier Ortiz, National Leader of Peru for the Global Country of World Peace, announced that 150,000 students from schools throughout a region near the border with Bolivia will learn the Transcendental Meditation Programme in 2010.

In 2006, Transcendental Meditation and Consciousness-Based Education were introduced in a school in Puno, Peru; in 2007, the first group of students learnt the advanced Transcendental Meditation Sidhi Programme. Now the whole school is practising these technologies of consciousness, including Yogic Flying, twice a day.

Every year, new students come and a new programme begins, Dr Ortiz explained. A bright new group of students recently started Yogic Flying, and all are enjoying the experience of increased happiness, creativity, and coherence. 'The parents and teachers of these students are all very happy with their progress,' he said.

It is the benefits experienced by students and teachers that have resulted in the new programme for other schools in Peru to begin the Transcendental Meditation programme.

There are now more than 1,600 student Yogic Flyers in Puno. The square root of one per cent of the population of the city—the scientific formula for creating the Maharishi Effect of coherence in collective consciousness—is now practising Yogic Flying, 'which makes the city a very special place,' Dr Ortiz said. 'The city is now a lighthouse from where coherence and invincibility are shining for all of Peru and Latin America.'

The Transcendental Meditation Sidhi Programme Administrator for Peru also spoke on 15 December, giving his impressions about the students on the new course. He said how delightful it is to see students' interest in the knowledge of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi. They very much enjoy the practical experience of the Transcendental Meditation Sidhi Programme, he said, and as result enjoy better relationships with their parents, other students, and teachers.

* Dr Ortiz spoke on the 15 December Maharishi Global Family Chat, which is broadcast daily via Internet webcast on the Maharishi Channel, Channel 3. Podcasts of the daily Global Family Chat (audio track) are also now available for automatic download, via an RSS feed.

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