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Global Mother Divine Organization celebrates enlightenment for all women, girls, and mothers of the world
by Global Good News staff writer

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15 March 2010

During the recent Full Moon celebration, the Global Mother Divine Organization* celebrated the Foundation for the Development of Consciousness, one of five foundations offering the organization's programmes around the world.

The celebration was broadcast globally via the Internet on Channel 5 of the Maharishi Channel, on 28 February.

'Development of consciousness through the Transcendental Meditation and Transcendental Meditation Sidhi Programme, including Yogic Flying, is the central feature of all the programmes offered by the Global Mother Divine Organization,' said the Raj Rajeshwari** introducing the Full Moon celebration.

She explained the profound principles brought to light by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, that consciousness is the most basic element in creation; everything is the expression of consciousness. 'When pure consciousness, the silent ocean of inner peace and bliss, is fully enlivened and enjoyed continuously twenty-four hours a day, even in the midst of dynamic activity or deep sleep, then an individual is said to be living fullness of life in higher states of consciousness,*** or enlightenment,' the Raj Rajeshwari said.

One of the primary goals or purposes of the Global Mother Divine Organization, the Raj Rajeshwari explained, as stated in its Charter, is 'to provide a royal road to enlightenment for all the ladies in the world, all the mothers of every nation, through their practice of the Transcendental Meditation Programme and the Transcendental Meditation Sidhi Programme, including Yogic Flying—so that they may blossom in the supreme, cosmic value of Mother Divine within themselves.'

In celebration of the Foundation for the Development of Consciousness and its role in bringing enlightenment to every lady, a video was played of a historic address by Maharishi in 1971, entitled: 'The growth of perception from multiplicity to duality to Unity, proceeding on the path from ignorance to enlightenment, the state of supreme knowledge.'

In the coming days Global Good News will present the main points of this address by Maharishi.

* 'Mother Divine' refers to the nourishing, evolutionary power of Natural Law lively within all of creation and within the silent consciousness of everyone. The Global Mother Divine Organization was inaugurated in December 2007 as the ladies' wing of the Global Country of World Peace in 192 countries.

** Raj Rajeshwaris—Mothers of the World from the Sovereign Domain of Consciousness—are the Administrators of the Global Mother Divine Organization (GMDO). There are 29 Raj Rajeshwaris, long-time leaders of the Global Country of World Peace, each responsible for administering several countries through the GMDO National Directors.

*** Maharishi explains that beyond the familiar states of waking, dreaming, and sleeping are four higher states of consciousness—Transcendental Consciousness, Cosmic Consciousness, God Consciousness, and Unity Consciousness—each bringing a new dimension of physiological functioning, experience, knowledge, and fulfillment.

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Global Good News comment:

The Global Mother Divine Organization hosts Full Moon celebrations each month. For an archive of these celebrations, please visit Global Mother Divine Archives.

For the good news about Maharishi's seven-point programme to create a healthy, happy, prosperous society, and a peaceful world, please visit: Global Financial Capital of New York.

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