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David Lynch speaks of Transcendental Meditation, new film
by Caitlin O'Connor

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29 April 2010

On 29 April 2010 Cal State University Long Beach Daily 49er reported: In his new documentary, 'Catching the Big Fish: Part II', filmmaker David Lynch explains how Maharishi Mahesh Yogi's Transcendental Meditation Programme can bring enlightenment to individuals and peace to the world. Students at California State University Long Beach, USA recently had the opportunity to preview the film. It is a joy for Global Good News service to feature this news, which indicates the success of the life-supporting programmes Maharishi has designed to bring fulfilment to the field of education.

The film includes 'excerpts from Lynch's open forums, which were held at various locations across 18 countries within the past year', the article reports.

According to Mr Lynch, 'The key to world peace is simpler than you may think,' the article states.

In an excerpt from his visit to Ukraine, for example, Mr Lynch explains that peace could be created in this nation of 47 million simply by establishing a group of 750 experts in Transcendental Meditation.* This number, which represents the square root of one per cent of a given population, is sufficient 'for the world to become ''a super happy universe'' ', the article states, quoting Mr Lynch's words.

In the documentary, Mr Lynch emphasizes the 'importance of striking all of life's problems at their roots' by transcending 'the field of relativity', the article continues.

Mr Lynch describes his vision for making the Transcendental Meditation Programme available to students so that they can grow in happiness—free from the negativity, anger, selfishness, and bitterness that are 'the poison of the environment . . . instigating hate and war'.

Addressing one student's question about the meaning of life, Mr Lynch describes it as 'Totality, everything . . . . The human being is an exquisite being and we have potential and that potential is called enlightenment and fulfillment.'

A practitioner of Transcendental Meditation himself for over 30 years, Mr Lynch says 'it makes a world of difference for him and he believes it could for an average college student struggling with stress and pressure,' the article states.

Global Good News comment:

* Extensive scientific research shows that if the square root one per cent of a given population practises the Transcendental Meditation Programme and Yogic Flying together in a group, a powerful influence of coherence, harmony, and invincibility are created.

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