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In Mongolia, conference stirs Consciousness-Based Education interest
by Global Good News staff writer

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11 October 2012

Consciousness-Based Education is an integral part of the education offered at Maharishi University of Management (MUM) and it is this unique attribute that led a group of MUM professors to be invited to Mongolia to address a conference about this effective educational approach.

The group, which included top professors from several MUM academic departments, initially led a conference at the country's largest university, Mongolian University of Science and Technology (MUST).

The conference, organized by faculty at MUST, was titled 'Innovative Approaches to Human Development, Leadership Training, and Research'.

The objectives of the conference were manifold. They included:

1. Providing knowledge of new approaches and innovations in human development, higher education, and leadership training.

2. Reviewing the theories and research of MUM management faculty in high-performance productivity and leadership.

3. Applying these innovations and research findings for the improvement of leadership skills and sustainable business productivity.

4. Introducing the new interdisciplinary study of Sustainable Living and its implications for higher education and business.

5. Developing joint plans for research, training, study, industrial collaboration, and curriculum development in the discussed areas.

'It was an extremely successful several days,' commented one member of the delegation, Dr Tom Stanley, vice-chair of the MUM Board of Trustees and director of Consciousness-Based programmes in Mongolia.

After the conference, many of the MUM professors travelled to other universities and schools to lecture on Consciousness-Based Education and what makes it a unique and effective system.

Professor Lonnie Gamble, of MUM's Sustainable Living Department, met with the former director of the Institute for Sustainable Development at another large university in Mongolia. The former director has plans for improving the institute and invited Professor Gamble to contribute his expertise.

Jim Bagnola, faculty in the management department and Maharishi University of Management alumnus, met with the Ulaanbaatar chapter of AIESEC, the world's largest student driven organization. The meeting focused on youth leadership development and developing globally minded leaders. Mr Bagnola, an expert in leadership training, said the students were receptive to hearing about Transcendental Meditation, which is central to MUM's Consciousness-Based approach, as a technique to support this development.

Please see related articles:
Mongolia: MUM faculty invited to conference on Consciousness-Based Education, sustainability
Maharishi University of Management professors central to conference at Mongolia's largest university
Mongolian universities inspired by MUM's sustainable programmes, technologies
First president of democratic Mongolia invites collaboration with MUM Sustainable Living faculty
Mongolia: Live EEG demonstration shows measurable effects of Transcendental Meditation
President of Maharishi University of Management presents Consciousness-Based Education at largest university in Mongolia

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