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Mbale, Uganda: At Maharishi Secondary School for Girls, students create coherence for their nation
by Global Good News staff writer

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1 May 2014

Maharishi Secondary School for Girls in Mbale, Uganda recently welcomed a visit from Dr Bevan Morris, President of Maharishi University of Management, USA. The school, directed by Dr Grant Lusimbo, opened with a small group of 30 girls in 2009. The next year the student body doubled to 60 and it has been growing steadily ever since. There are now 120 enrolled, Dr Morris reported. The school admissions policy is to accept all students; its Consciousness-Based Education approach has the ability to bring out the best in any student.

All students practise Transcendental Meditation together as a group twice a day, in addition to taking a full academic curriculum. Students and administrators alike experience that the TM technique allows the thinking mind to settle down and experience deep inner silence. The physiology meanwhile gains deep rest and stresses are dissolved.

Relief from stress is critical for Ugandans after decades of political and economic turmoil that exposed the majority of the population, including the young, to traumatic emotional and physical experiences.

More than half of the girls have now also learned the advanced Transcendental Meditation Sidhi Programme, including Yogic Flying. The school is the first in Africa where so many students have taken the advanced training course and now practise together daily.

In addition to accelerating the benefits they gain from Transcendental Meditation, through this advanced programme these students are also becoming a 'coherence-creating group' for their nation, Dr Morris said. As shown by scientific research in many countries, the larger their group, the more powerful influence of coherence it can generate for the whole society.

Another 'first' for the school: the new classroom building is the first in Africa designed and constructed according to the principles of Maharishi Vastu architecture.

In Kampala, at the EDAPO* school, food, shelter, education, and basic medical care are provided to hundreds of children orphaned by the HIV/AIDS epidemic and war. Teachers, staff, and the older children have learned Transcendental Meditation, while the younger students practise a special form of TM designed for young children. The mothers and grandmothers in the area have all learned Transcendental Meditation as well, and come to look after the small children.

See related articles:
Uganda: Students' academic success shines brightly at Maharishi Secondary School for Girls
Africa: Children thrive with Transcendental Meditation at EDAPO school in Uganda

* EDAPO is the Economic Development and AIDS Prevention Organization.

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