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Vedic Agriculture: Understanding the influence of the sun, moon, and stars
by Global Good News Staff Writer

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12 August 2007

Professor John Konhaus, Raja (Administrator) of the Global Country of World Peace for California, USA, recently discussed main principles of Unified Field-Based Agriculture. Outlining the two fundamental modalities of Vedic Agriculture—development of the consciousness of the farmer and the creation of coherence in the environment; and the application of Vedic intelligence through Vedic sound—he went on to describe a third, less familiar modality—the Vedic Science of Jyotish:

'This aspect of Vedic Science', Raja Konhaus said, 'deals with timing—in the unfoldment of the sequence of any intelligence, in the unfoldment of any individual's life, in the unfoldment of any life of a plant. It's born at a certain time, it grows up at a certain time, it lives at a certain time.

'Vedic scientists of old discovered that there are certain influences that come from the sun, the moon, and the stars. This is not unknown even today. We know what a huge effect the moon has on the earth. The lunar cycles affect the ocean tides. They affect physiological cycles within our body, which are tuned to the cycles of the moon, so we know the effect of the stars on our lives.

However, the science of Jyotish, Raja Konhaus explained, uncovers much deeper layers of knowledge. The ancient Vedic scientists of Jyotish knew 'the phases of the moon, and the positions of the sun in the solar cycle of the year; and they understood which influences would be carried by the light of the sun and the stars. They knew that a certain quality of moonlight, a certain quality of sunlight, a certain quality of starlight, could actually affect the bacteria in the soil.'

Experts in Jyotish, Raja Konhaus said, were able to identify very specific effects. They realized that 'if you planted seeds at a certain time, if you harvested the crop at a certain time, if you ploughed the field at a certain time'—you could co-ordinate your individual efforts with the activity of the whole cosmos.

'This is a beautiful understanding of the relationship between the individual and the cosmos brought about by the science of Jyotish,' Raja Konhaus said, which has direct application to life everywhere on earth today, through the knowledge of Maharishi's Vedic Organic Agriculture.

Copyright © 2007 Global Good News(sm) Service.

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