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Maharishi Vedic Organic Agriculture offers purity from field to table
by Global Good News staff writer

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3 April 2009

Purity plays a role at every stage of Maharishi Vedic Organic Agriculture. From the way the food is grown to the way it is prepared and eaten, Vedic Agriculture offers purity, which is essential for good health.

Raja John Konhaus, Raja of Invincible Japan for the Global Country of World Peace and Vedic Agriculture expert, explains the importance of eating pure food free from pesticides and genetically modified organisms (GMOs).

There has been a great deal of research showing that chemicals, pesticides, and GMOs have a very detrimental effect on the functioning of mind and body, he states in a new presentation* designed to help introduce and promote Maharishi Vedic Organic Agriculture worldwide.

Research shows that pesticides and environmental toxins can disrupt the immune system, reduce disease resistance, and disrupt many of the body's systems—resulting in myriad disorders including cancer, birth defects, behavioural and emotional problems, and interference with higher mental functioning such as cognition, memory, and motor coordination, Raja Konhaus says.

Vedic produce is grown according to the highest standards of organic agriculture and is free from harmful chemicals, pesticides, and GMOs.

Raja Konhaus also emphasizes that good digestion plays a key role in good health, and that the quality of digestion is dependent on the purity of the food. When the natural intelligence of the food matches the natural intelligence of the person digesting the food, then that food is easily assimilated, he says.

If there are impurities such as pesticides in the food, or it has been genetically modified, then the body doesn't recognize this pattern of intelligence; it's not a natural food for man, and therefore that food is not properly digested and interferes with the natural healthy functioning of the body, he explains.

In addition, Raja Konhaus notes that purity of consciousness in the farmer, the cook, and the person eating the food is also important. Food prepared by loving parents, for example, will always be of the highest quality because the purity of their intention gets incorporated into the food.

Maharishi Vedic Organic Agriculture, along with the other programmes of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, develops the consciousness of the farmer, as well as those preparing and eating the food.

Purity is one of four qualities essential to Maharishi Vedic Organic Agriculture. In the coming days, Global Good News will feature the continuation of this presentation, which highlights the importance of eating food that is fresh, fully ripened, and grown in accord with all the Laws of Nature.

*Please also see Part I, Part II and Part III of this series.

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