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Maharishi's urgent appeal to government leaders: Abandon all government buildings with wrong layout
by Peace Government Media Team

Global Country Press Release    Translate This Article
1 September 2005

His Holiness Maharishi Mahesh Yogi urges government leaders to abandon government buildings with wrong layouts, pointing out that south or west entrances produce disorderly thinking, conflict, and problems while east entrances promote harmony and prosperity. He invites builders to reconstruct the world by building fortune-creating homes and offices.

'Government leaders will face fewer conflicts and problems—overnight—and enjoy greater progress and success when they abandon their improperly laid out government buildings and, instead, live and work in buildings that are laid out according to Vedic Architecture in harmony with Natural Law.

'Families will enjoy greater prosperity and happiness, better health, and improved relations when they move into properly laid out ''fortune-creating'' Vedic—or Vastu—homes.

'And builders will make more money—and contribute to the creation of permanent world peace—when they begin reconstructing their cities and countries by building Vastu homes and offices.'

These were the bold pronouncements delivered to government leaders and the world press by His Holiness Maharishi Mahesh Yogi during his 24 August global news conference, which was broadcast live via satellite and Internet web cast from the Capital of the Global Country of World Peace in Meru, Holland. Maharishi will hold his next news conferences on 31 August and 1 September.

The direction that a building faces produces a good or bad influence

'People do not know that a greater part of the negative influences in life comes from the wrong layout of the buildings in which they live and work,' Maharishi said. 'The direction of the entrance of the office building or residence produces either happiness, harmony, and cordiality or conflict and problems for the people.' Maharishi explained it is easy for anyone to determine whether the layout of his house or building has a good or bad influence. 'People can verify it for themselves,' Maharishi said. 'If they are living in a building with a south entrance or a west entrance or an entrance that is 'tilted' (e.g. south-west or north-east), they will find themselves shrouded in unrest, fears, and problems. If their house faces east, they will enjoy harmony, happiness, and prosperity.'

Maharishi also cited recent scientific research which documents that brain neurons fire more coherently when an individual faces east than when he faces south or west. 'How coherently a man's brain functions is the basis of how coherently he thinks and behaves,' Maharishi said.

Even a beautiful parliament building with a bad layout must be demolished

In response to a press question, Maharishi emphasized there are no exceptions to the requirement to live and work in a properly laid out building. 'Even a beautiful parliament building designed by a famous architect must be demolished if it has a wrong layout—and must be rebuilt according to Vastu Vidya,' Maharishi said. 'Otherwise, the minds of the President, Prime Minister, and his ministers will never be settled—their thinking will always be disorderly and off balance.'

Maharishi's Global Reconstruction Programme to bring benefits of Vastu architecture to the world

To bring the benefits of Vastu architecture to every government and the whole world, Maharishi has launched his Global Reconstruction Programme for Permanent World Peace, and is inviting builders in every country to immediately begin building Peace Colonies in every city, comprising 'fortune-creating' homes and office buildings, and Peace Palaces to teach Maharishi's Vedic Science-based programmes to every area of society.

'We have asked the builders to do something simple: build homes that are laid out north/south, east/west with an entrance to the east,' Maharishi said. 'These ''fortune-creating'' homes in harmony with Natural Law will bring the support of Natural Law, which administers the universe with perfect order, to the life of the people and the nation as a whole.'

'The proof of the pudding is in the tasting'

Maharishi explained how people can test the validity of his knowledge. 'The proof of the pudding is in the tasting,' Maharishi said. 'Demolish your old buildings and build new Vastu buildings and see how quickly you begin to enjoy greater happiness, better health, and more prosperity—and see how quickly the nation begins to thrive in its economy and trade, in its relations with other nations—in every aspect of national life.'

Maharishi's programmes are creating an enlightened Vedic world full of knowledge

Maharishi concluded by saying that his programme to reconstruct the world through Vedic Architecture—as well as his Vedic Science-based approaches to education, health care, agriculture, economy, administration, defence, etc.,—is creating a Vedic world of peace, prosperity, and happiness for the whole of mankind.

'Vedic means ''full of knowledge'',' Maharishi said. 'We are creating a Vedic world—an enlightened world full of knowledge in complete alliance with Total Natural Law. And it won't take us very long to create a floodlight of Total Knowledge so that no corner of the world is in darkness—so there is no negativity, no suffering, no problems, and no conflict anywhere on earth. Every country will be peaceful, harmonious, and integrated—and will enjoy true freedom in invincibility. The dawn of Total Natural Law is rising, and very soon everyone is going to enjoy the midday sun.

Copyright 2005 Global Country of World Peace

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