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A direct message to the military leaders and military intelligence of the world from Dr John Hagelin - Part II
by Global Good News staff writer

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3 April 2007

On 28 March during the three-day, global Vedic celebrations of Raam Navami and global administration through Natural Law, Dr John Hagelin, Minister of Science and Technology of the Global Country of World Peace, delivered a very direct message to all the military leaders and military intelligence of every country.

Dr Hagelin said that the discovery in modern science that provides a whole new foundation for defence in any country is the discovery of the Unified Field, which is a million times more fundamental and more powerful than the nuclear force.

Access to and the application of this fundamental Unified Field can bring any nation to a state of invincible strength, Dr Hagelin said.

Dr Hagelin explained that for the past quarter century modern science has been systematically exploring more fundamental levels of Nature's functioning—from the macroscopic, superficial level of classical physics to the microscopic world of quantum mechanics, quantum field theory, and unified quantum field theories at the electro-weak, grand unified, and super unified scales.

In this inward exploration of increasingly fundamental levels of Nature's functioning, Dr Hagelin said that modern physics has achieved Einstein's life-long dream of discovering a single unified source and fountainhead of the diverse laws of nature governing the universe at every level, macroscopic, cosmological.

All the fundamental forces and particles of Nature that govern the universe are now understood to be simply diversified expressions of one indivisible, unified or superstring field of Nature's functioning. The Unified Field is the source or fountainhead and basis of all Nature's structures and behaviours throughout the universe.

The unification of all the forces and particles occurs at the fundamental scale of Nature's functioning, the Planck Scale, or scale of quantum gravity which is ten million, million, million times beyond and more fundamental and powerful than the nuclear force.

The quantum principle or Uncertainty Principle of quantum mechanics guarantees that this fundamental source is millions of times more powerful than the nuclear force, and if it could be tapped and harnessed renders a technology of such enormous power that it would literally render all previous destructive technologies obsolete.

The deeper we go into the structure of Nature, the greater the characteristic dynamism becomes, Dr Hagelin said. That is why any technology of the Unified Field—now that it has been discovered—any technology based on our ability to harness that field will be immensely powerful, rendering previous technologies of destruction and defence irrelevant.

Modern science has discovered the Unified Field of almost infinite energy density and has identified this fundamental field of Unity as an invincible field, Dr Hagelin said.

See Part I of this article. Global Good News will feature Part III of this article tomorrow 4 April.

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