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Maharishi Mahesh Yogi speaks to the Global Press Conference about the removal of poverty - Part I
by Global Good News staff writer

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12 June 2007

At the Global Press Conference on the Removal of Poverty broadcast recently from the Global Financial Capital of New York, Maharishi said that the true nature of life is affluence. Poverty is imaginary, and every government can bring affluence to its people by taking the Raam currency from the Global Country of World Peace.

Maharishi began by saying that it is a wonderful expression of the ability of the Global Country of World Peace that Dr Hagelin has laid out to the world press today. 'There was a need of a global principle, a global economy that will see affluence everywhere, invincibility everywhere, freedom everywhere.' Maharishi said.

'Now the competence of the Global Country of World Peace World Peace for this ''Poverty Removal Programme'' is on both levels. It is such a joy to see how in principle and in practice, on both levels, the policy of administration of economy of the Global Country of World Peace on a global scale is such that it is not necessary for anyone to remain poor.

'In principle, life on the individual level is what life is on the cosmic level. Individual is cosmic. How it is cosmic? We have heard in great detail how life in the universe is administered.

'In one word, Dr Hagelin defines the administrator of life—the Unified Field. The Unified Field is the Constitution of the Universe. It's there in a point and the point is the point of infinity. The infinite value of life, and point value of life, both levels of life are governed, are administered by total Natural Law. Creativity. Total creativity. That is in principle.

'How that principle is brought to a concrete level in the economy of the Global Country of World Peace? Our Finance Minister of the Global Country of World Peace, [Dr Benjamin Feldman] was telling me that it's only natural for a man to be affluent. Poverty is a superimposition. Affluence is natural level of life.

'How it is done on the material physical level? The Finance Minister tells me that he has his treasury of Kuber; Kuber is the treasurer of the world of administration.

'The world is administered by infinite creativity, enormous self-referral affluence, which is the Unified Field in the world of science, and which is Veda—the expression of Total Knowledge. In the Vedic terms, there is only affluence.

'Poverty is imaginary. Real is affluence. So if someone is leading an unnatural life in poverty, suffering is unnatural. Pains are unnatural. Natural is health, infinity. Whether it is infinite magnitude of life or point value of life, they is both on the same level—point is made of infinity.

'It's the point of infinity. And infinity is made of points, so for a point it is natural to bask in the sunshine of infinity. If a point begins to be poor, then it is understandable how he can be poor. If he's only himself, he knows that he is a point of infinity.

'The individual—we have been talking from house-tops loudly for all these years—the individual is cosmic. Cosmic is the potential of the individual. For many years it was found we seemed to be only idealistic in principle, but practically the situation is different.

'People are suffering, so today's topic is how to eliminate suffering. The word ''how'' makes it difficult. Suffering is in essence not a reality. Dr Hagelin, it is such a beautiful point of knowledge, that suffering is imaginary. Only imaginary. It is imposed on oneself.

'The real is total, infinite, and on that reality of infinite, [there is] only affluence, invincibility, harmony, totality, all possibility. These are natural to life. Poverty is imaginary. But if someone has fallen into a dream of poverty, we shake him up and say ''You are not poor, but if you are feeling poverty, fine, here is the treasury of the Global Country of World Peace.''

'The Global administration beats [the drum]—the principle that only affluence is real; only cosmic status is real. But in case someone has fallen into that kind of situation, then take the principle and understanding from here, and realize that you are not poor.

'If there is something concretely unique, take the currency of Raam from the treasury of the Global Country of World Peace; take money today. If any country is feeling poor, it is the government's policy that is poor.

'Each government takes pride in having its currency. But when the currency is limited, the government says ''No, no, you can only have only one dollar a day to eat, whether you eat or do something, you have only one dollar.'' Some other government says, ''Now you have 100 dollars a day to eat.'' Some other government says ''No, no, not 100 dollars; my government gives you 1,000 dollars.''

'So this 1,000 dollar a day for a government, or 100 dollar a day government, or one dollar a day government, they are concepts, only concepts.

'So why a man should have a concept that keeps him poor? Why? Only because of lack of knowledge. So we are opening schools and universities. Dr Hagelin doesn't want to see his people suffering in any way, so he has a treasury. If you want money, take the Raam currency.

'But it has to be the government. That is the jurisdiction of the government—that the Raam is accepted as a currency. Take the Raam currency from this global treasury of the Global Country of World Peace. This I'm saying concretely: eliminate your misconceptions about poverty and about wealth. The whole world economy has been very cruel.

'The whole world economy has been floating on the boats of ignorance. Now is the time for enlightenment; for everyone to realize that poverty is a false notion. How can you eliminate poverty? [A government] can take any amount of money from the global treasury of the Global Country of World Peace and become wealthy the next day.'

Copyright © 2007 Global Good News(sm) Service

Global Good News comment:

For recent talks about the removal of poverty by Dr Benjamin Feldman, Finance Minister of the Global Country of World Peace, please see: Poverty Removal Conference Part I, Poverty Removal Conference Part II and The significance of the Raam circulating in the world.

For information about Maharishi's seven-point programme to create a healthy, happy, prosperous society, and a peaceful world, please visit: Global Financial Capital of New York.

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