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Dr. Arenander speaks on natural medicine at major medical meeting

The Review, Vol.19, #12, March17, 2004    Translate This Article
Fairfield, Iowa, United States
16 March 2004

A standing-room-only crowd showed up for professor Alarik Arenander's recent presentation on complementary and alternative medicine at a major national medical conference that was sponsored by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the federally funded institution charged with keeping the nation healthy.

The theme of this year's conference on prevention, held in Washington, D.C., was 'Investing in Health: The Dollars and Sense of Prevention.' As an indication of the increasing importance of prevention in solving our nation's healthcare crisis, the conference was opened by Tommy Thompson, the secretary of Health and Human Services in the cabinet of President George Bush.

Secretary Thompson said that more than 90 percent of the health care in U.S. is sick (disease) care and only a small percent is targeted for prevention. He said the medical system is 'archaic' and that with the rising health care costs, the country can't afford not to have good health. Prevention is the key. And the key to prevention is education.

Because of his successful presentation on complementary and alternative medicine at the CDC conference a year ago, Dr. Arenander was invited to give a presentation at this year's conference reviewing various approaches and discussing what can be done to incorporate them into the current medical system.

Dr. Arenander, director of the University's Brain Research Institute, gave a short overview of various modalities of complementary and alternative medicine and their influence on brain and health. He spoke about the trend in the U.S. toward embracing these ancient practices. And he went into more detail on the effect of the Transcendental Meditation technique on cardiovascular disease.

'I was able to introduce the comprehensive vision of the Maharishi Vedic Approach to Health programs and the definitive approach to prevention: Vedic education,' Dr. Arenander said.

He said that the audience especially appreciated the extensive and clear data on the impact of the Transcendental Meditation technique on cardiovascular health. 'The work at Maharishi University of Management and its collaborating institutions stands out in the field of complementary and alternative medicine.'

Dr. Arenander's session was attended by CDC employees who are very interested in the scientific basis of the Transcendental Meditation technique.

One topic covered in the session was why alternative modalities aren't being adopted more readily. 'Despite the claim by the medical profession that they will adopt any practice based on sound science, in fact this is not the case,' Dr. Arenander says. 'There are significant barriers to the use of alternative medicine, even when science indicates that it's effective.'

One major problem is that modern doctors are still not trained in or experienced with alternate modalities, so they are not likely to use them in practice.

'The current biomedical model omits most of the spheres of mind and environment when it comes to diagnosis and treatment,' Dr. Arenander says. 'The Maharishi Consciousness-Based Approach to Health offers a comprehensive and effective mode of health care. By enlivening the inner intelligence of the individual through the many Vedic technologies of consciousness, a program of 'self-management' is able to bring about mind/body health.'

The conference organizer and many in attendance at Dr. Arenander's session came up afterwards and indicated that they greatly appreciated the information in the session, in part because it made the CDC conference more relevant and pragmatic in its attempt to build a knowledge base for an effective preventive strategy for the country.

Conference organizers said this was one of the best presentations of the conference and invited Dr. Arenander back for next year's conference. Due to the response, the session will soon be available as a webcast on the CDC website.

Copyright 2004, Maharishi University of Management

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