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Immortality through reversal of ageing
by Global Good News staff writer

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21 April 2007

Dr Robert Schneider presented groundbreaking research on the application of Transcendental Meditation in the field of health during the global press conference of Wednesday, 18 April. Dr Schneider is director of the Institute for Natural Medicine and Prevention at Maharishi University of Management, USA, a research institution funded by the National Institutes of Health (NIH).

Dr Schneider referred to an earlier talk by Dr John Hagelin in the press conference, on principles of immortality located in the Unified Field of Natural Law described by modern physics—known as the Constitution of the Universe in Maharishi's Vedic Science. Dr Schneider said that the field of immortality is the basis of health, and summarized several striking scientific studies that validate this remarkable discovery.

The Vedic scriptures say that health should be the first desire of life—because with that, one is able to enjoy all the other aspects of life. Reversal of ageing through contact with pure consciousness—the Unified Field—is predicted in the Vedic scriptures and validated by scientific research showing that Transcendental Meditation, which allows the conscious mind to directly experience pure consciousness, reverses the ageing process, particularly among long-term practitioners. Research shows that long-term TM meditators are twelve years younger and short-term meditators are five years younger biologically than their chronological age.

Dr Schneider presented a slide show of several scientific studies. TM meditators were seen to have a consistent decrease in blood pressure over time—exactly opposite of the normal trend, which is to suffer a steady increase in blood pressure over time. Another study found that TM produced increased levels of DHEA—a natural hormone which is associated with sustained youthfulness. Dr Schneider pointed out that this hormone is so desirable that people go to the health food store and pay high prices to ingest it in supplement form.

Maharishi Mahesh Yogi has recently pointed out that health, which is based in immortality, is also the basis of wealth and wisdom, as the traditional Western proverb says. For more information about Maharishi's prevention-oriented system of medicine, please visit:
Vedic Medicine—Consciousness-Based Health Care and Maharishi's Vedic Approach to Health.

Copyright © 2007 Global Good News(sm) Service

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