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Dr John Hagelin: Modern quantum physics reveals the basis of immortality, Part I
by Global Good News staff writer

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25 April 2007

During the 'Global Conference on Perfect Health and Immortality' held on 18 April, Dr John Hagelin, world-renowned quantum physicist and Minister of Science and Technology of the Global Country of World Peace, discussed Maharishi's Vedic Medicine--Unified Field based medicine--as a means to perfect health and immortality.

Dr Hagelin explained the concept of immortality in terms of modern quantum physics. He said that although the world around us is always changing—systems, planets, and species come and go—the Laws of Nature governing the universe are unchanging, immortal. The Laws of Nature have their basis in the unified source of creation—the Unified Field—which is beyond space and time.

According to quantum physics, every level of creation—from the planets and stars to the molecular, atomic, nuclear, and subnuclear level—is simply the expression of the Unified Field.

Mathematical equations show that all the Laws of Nature governing every level of creation are nothing but the functioning of the Unified Field seen from different perspectives. They are all different perspectives on unity that bring out various characteristics of that unity.

So it is not surprising, Dr Hagelin said, that the Laws of Nature are immortal because ultimately they are simply the Unified Field interacting with itself, seen from different perspectives—as the mathematics rigorously reveals.

Dr Hagelin went on to describe how through Maharishi Vedic Medicine health and long life in the direction of immortality can be enlivened in the individual because the human physiology mirrors the structure of the Unified Field.

Copyright © 2007 Global Good News(sm) Service.

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