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Perfect health and immortality conference summary by Dr Bevan Morris - Part I

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29 April 2007

Dr Bevan Morris, the Prime Minister of the Global Country of World Peace, began his closing summary of a recent global Press Conference on Perfect Health and Immortality by saying, 'Rather than starting from sickness, to define health, let's start from immortality. And starting from immortality, let's see what there is in the universe that is immortal,' and pointed out that all the laws of Nature that administer the universe are immortal.

Dr Morris reviewed the words of Dr John Hagelin, Minister of Science and Technology of the Global Country of World Peace, earlier in the conference, which was held at the Global Financial Capital of New York. Dr Hagelin said that the Unified Field described by modern quantum physics as containing all the Laws of Nature, is completely beyond space and time, so it is not subject to surface change. It is completely immortal, completely invincible, in its eternal structure. Dr Hagelin further explained that any aspect of creation that has an intimate relationship, a connection on a stable basis with its source in the Unified Field, shares the immortal characteristics of the Unified Field itself. And one such stable state which has that relationship to the Unified Field, is the human physiology.

The human physiology is, in essence, an immortal expression of the immortal, self-referral Unified Field. And Dr Morris relayed Dr Hagelin's advice to everyone to practise Transcendental Meditation, which is Yoga, to experience the Unified Field and enliven it in their life; and to enjoy the vibrations of the Unified Field through the Maharishi Vedic Vibration Therapy to awaken and enliven the Unified Field within their physiology. And to take Rasayanas, which are herbal preparations of such refinement that they can actually readjust the physiology on the level of experiencing and living the Unified Field itself.

After listening to Dr Hagelin's address, Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, the founder of the Global Country of World Peace, commented that there would be 'nothing better you could ever hope to hear in your entire life, than what Dr Hagelin said today'. Maharishi pointed out that everyone wants to live a long life and to enjoy perfect health.

Maharishi took invincible defence to the level of the individual human physiology—defence against all negativity, all weakness, and against all ill health. Maharishi endorsed with great power Dr Hagelin's remark that immortality is the birthright of every human being, because the human physiology is the expression of, and driven by, the Unified Field, which is always progressive in its nature.

'Maharishi said also that the only reason this is not being lived in the world right now—this level of the Unified Field which is immortal, fully lively within the human being as is their birthright—is poor education about health,' explained Dr Morris. 'Very, very poor education about health.'

The same thing has been said by religious leaders—that everyone is actually born in the light of God and has ability to rise to live that status of the light of God, as the product of the Constitution of the Universe, which is the Light of God. Now Dr Hagelin is saying the same thing, but in scientific language.

So we have from religion, we have from modern science, and we have in the Vedic Literature, exactly these same expressions of the reality of the Unified Field being the driver of the human physiology, the essential reality of every human being, Dr Morris said.

Part II of this Global Good News series will continue Dr Morris's summary of Maharishi's address and conclude this report on the proceedings of the global Press Conference on Health and Immortality.

For information about Maharishi's six-point programme to create a healthy, happy, prosperous society, and a peaceful world, please visit: Global Financial Capital of New York.

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