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A clarion call from Dr Bevan Morris - Part II

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25 May 2007

In reflecting on Unified-Field Based Health Care, Dr Bevan Morris, the Prime Minister of the Global Country of World Peace, said 'Maharishi said, on this level, when we know that this is the level of life which is completely eternal, immortal—it is always there eternally, then the reality is that immortality is all that there is. Immortality is the only reality of the life of the universe.

'Maharishi said there is an expression for this reality that everything is in 'A' in the Veda—Akaro vai sarva vak—it means that everything, all the sounds of the Veda, are inside 'A'. 'A' contains every sound of the entire Veda, so this is what Dr Hagelin is going to teach to his students, the reality of what is inside 'A' and what is the expressed value of 'A', which is also inside the eternal infinity of the silence of 'A' and its infinitely dynamical flow in the sound 'I'. Dr Hagelin feels that this education which is Vedic Education, should be given to the students, not only to understand but to directly experience that level of reality, that most powerful, that ultimate foundation of the entire universe should be captured by every student in their education.

'This is the level, Maharishi exphasized, with great joy, when the students of Dr Hagelin's university and his branches around the world learn this they are knowing that by which everything can be known, because everything is there in that experience, in that field, in its seed form. So know that, know everything at once. Gain Total Knowledge by 'knowing thyself'. And know everything there is to be known in a single stroke. The technique is close the eyes and transcend.

'Transcend and know yourself, and Be, Be, Be and from that level you can be anything, and do anything. Not just live life endlessly wandering in the outside where you'll never find the totality of the ocean.

'Capture the whole ocean of knowledge inside. Be seated into that, on that level where the ocean is in the point. So this is just the message, that also the field of health, that Ayur is Veda, that the life of infinity is the life of total knowledge. And this is to be experienced by every human being in the world now. Dr Hagelin has spread beautifully a carpet of knowledge.'

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