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Dr Robert Keith Wallace on Rasayanas

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1 June 2007

In a recent presentation on Vedic Health, Dr Keith Wallace noted that 'Ageing... is an area Maharishi is very interested in, because Vedic texts have always been interested in ageing, and we of the faculty of Maharishi College of Vedic Medicine, have been actively researching this area. It is a central tenet of the Ayurvedic samhitas, the eternal texts of health.

'These eternal texts of Ayurveda actually begin with the first sentence, 'Thus begins the chapter on the quest for longevity.' Ayurveda means 'the science of life-span'. Thus the first Sutra, the opening lines of these texts which encompass the wholeness of this, are that longevity and long life based on immortality is actually the central thesis of the Vedic approach to health.

'These texts further describe how, when you have longevity, all other desires of life are more easily fulfilled. But how can you fulfil all desires of life if you don't have life itself or long life? We have been looking deeply into this. There are several main areas, several technologies, for creating longevity described in the Vedic texts; and Transcendental Meditation, the approach of developing consciousness, is the first technology.

'In our studies on hypertension we are studying older individuals, because high blood pressure is a correlate of ageing. As the cardiovascular system ages the blood vessels become smaller and blood pressure rises, so reversal of hypertension is one characteristic of the reversal of ageing.

'We have been looking at another modalities recently to reverse the ageing process, the area of Rasayanas. Rasayanas are those preparations which are said to nourish the basic tissues or Rasa. According to Ayurvedic physiology, all seven tissues which are the basis of the eight organ systems, the eight Prakritis which are manifest in the eight organ systems, have at their basis this fundamental Dhatus, or tissues, called Rasa, and that has its basis in this fundamental substance called Ojas, which is the interface between physiology and the unified field.

'...These Rasayana preparations are described in these classical Vedic texts as 'enriching the nourishment of all the body's tissues, of infusing the field of consciousness, the field of immortality into the Dhatus, into the organ systems, into the Prakritis of the body'. It is this infusion of the qualities of intelligence inherent in the unified field at the basis of the physiology, which is responsible for longevity of the body, which is responsible for prevention of disease.

'These texts describe how, by using these Rasayana preparations properly and with the proper instructions, and other Vedic modalities of Maharishi Vedic Medicine, one can prevent or even cure all the major diseases; and one can live, according to these classical descriptions, 100 years, 200 years, 400 years, or even longer.

'In his first research, Dr Robert Schneider showed that practitioners of Maharishi's Transcendental Meditation were 12 years younger than their counterparts of the same age. However with this Rasayana programme, we are anticipating not just 12 years younger, but.. people living 100 years longer or even more than that. So our latest research is actually oriented towards documenting these effects of the classical Rasayana programmes for their effects on, not only treatment of cardiovascular disease as one aspect of ageing, but even more global aspects of ageing as well.

'No approach is left out, that's the marvellous thing about these new Maharishi Vedic Hospitals. We are very grateful to have in our Minister of Health, Dr Rainer Picha ... to see that these hospitals will be created around the world, that this level of perfect health will be established in each country. How can there be invincibility if there is not perfect health? Perfect health is an essential ingredient of that invincibility. So we want to guarantee that for each individual.'

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