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Transcendental Meditation for the health of the environment
by Global Good News staff writer

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12 July 2007

In his address to the Global Press Conference on Unified Field-Based Health and Medicine, Maharishi pointed out that a peaceful, blissful man always has bliss to offer to his environment.

Maharishi said that it was with great interest that he was hearing the words of Dr Hagelin, world-renowned quantum physicist and executive director of the International Center for Invincible Defense in New York City, USA. Maharishi continued, 'In answer to this, from my side, I want to [give] one argument. If the world knows the influence of the environment on the health of everyone—this is the main point; if the world recognizes that health is influenced by the type of environment, then Transcendental Meditation is a direct means of reducing the ill health of the whole environment. A stressed man is always stressful to his environment. A peaceful man, a blissful man, always has bliss to offer in his environment.

'So people who have been practising Transcendental Meditation, they have experienced that the environment becomes more positive, more happy, more integrated. And this is one argument: very simple, without any need of proving it. . . .

'On the basis of the environmental security, we would say, we are offering to the world invincibility through Transcendental Meditation. A few people together—100, 200, 500 people, depending on the population of the country; two, three hundred people in many countries is all that is needed to make the national consciousness integrated. And integrated national consciousness means all positivity, no negativity, lack of ill health, lack of all negativity, and presence of all positivity through the practice of Transcendental Meditation.

'[This is] one argument. Dr Hagelin, comment on it: what your Unified Field says about it. Transcendental Meditation changes the environmental value; it makes the environment more coherent, more integrated, more blissful—without much argument. If the environment has something to do with the health of the person, then Transcendental Meditation is a way to achieve good health, better health.'

Copyright © 2007 Global Good News(sm) Service.

Global Good News comment:

For information about Maharishi's seven-point programme to create a healthy, happy, prosperous society, and a peaceful world, please visit: Global Financial Capital of New York.

For more information about Maharishi's Vedic Approach to Health, visit: Maharishi Ayur Veda.

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