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Renowned expert in Maharishi Ayur-Veda health care describes the nature of mind

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6 November 2012

Vidya Manohar

Vaidya Manohar

In a profound and comprehensive discourse, Vaidya Dr Manohar Palakurthi, an esteemed expert physician in Maharishi Ayur-Veda health care from India, recently outlined the nature of mind, its functions and qualities, its relationship to emotion, and the central role of transcending in restoring balance and normalcy from the deepest level of life.

What is life?

Speaking in MERU, Netherlands, Vaidya Manohar explained that life is composed of the eight Prakritis—ego, intellect, mind, and the five Mahabhutas or elements which constitute the body (space, air, fire, water, and earth).

In a healthy body the five elements are expressed as the balanced composition of Dhatus (tissues) and Malas (waste products). They are regulated by the three Doshas (governing principles—Vata, Pitta, Kapha). When the Doshas are balanced the person experiences bliss, balance, and purity of the body, mind, and senses.

The key is the experience of bliss, the connection with consciousness. But consciousness has no qualities, so how can we connect with it? This is possible through the instrument of the mind.

Qualities and functions of the mind

The mind has many qualities and functions, but its main characteristic is that it is a Srota, a channel. It connects the body with consciousness, and is called Kalpanika Srotas. In the same way that the body is composed of many Srotas or channels, which can become blocked or otherwise have their functions impeded (excess flow, blockage, wrong direction, bulging), so the mental Srotas can become disturbed.

Global Good News will feature more highlights of Vaidya Manohar's lecture on the nature of mind from the perspective of Maharishi Ayur-Veda, including how physical disorders arise in the mind, and the most important quality of mind.

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