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Maharishi Mahesh Yogi honoured science and scientists: Dr Ramani Ayer
by Global Good News staff writer

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10 November 2012

Maharishi Mahesh Yogi always honoured science and scientists, said respected business leader Dr Ramani Ayer, speaking to a large audience in Chicago. The event, attended by many in the Indo-American community, took place during this year's New Paradigm Tour of North America.

Dr Ayer is the former Chairman and CEO of Hartford Financial Services Group, a Fortune 500 company. Now retired, he is working with the Global Peace Initiative to realize Maharishi's goal of creating world peace through establishing large groups of Maharishi Vedic Pandits, peace-creating experts, in India and elsewhere.

Dr Ayer said of Maharishi: 'His love for the world family was thoroughly inclusive. . . . He always saw it as one world family. He worked tirelessly from the time he left India to bring the fruits of Vedanta* to benefit all of mankind.'

In addition, Dr Ayer said, Maharishi worked with many 'scientists of world renown and enormous expertise' to establish a modern scientific framework for 'the truth underpinning the Vedas'. The ancient Vedic wisdom of ultimate realization, fully understood and practically applied through Maharishi's programmes, 'is borne out not only by direct human experience, but also by the latest developments in science.'

The New Paradigm Tour was an illustration of this principle, featuring leading scientists who worked closely with Maharishi in developing the scientific understanding of his knowledge and technologies of consciousness—keynote speaker, neuroscientist Tony Nader, MD, PhD, and renowned quantum physicist John Hagelin, PhD.

Maharishi's plan, Dr Ayer explained, was to have a group of 9,000 Vedic Pandits in India on a permanent, sustainable basis.

Why 9,000?

That number is 'slightly greater than the square root of 1% of the world's population', Dr Ayer said, referring to the formula identified by scientists, noted in Dr Hagelin's speech earlier that evening: the number of advanced Transcendental Meditation practitioners needed to create the Maharishi Effect of coherence and positivity in society.

'As Dr Hagelin pointed out, the Maharishi Effect has an ''N-squared'' value—which means the square root of 1% of the world's population meditating in one concentrated location, performing Yoga and Yagya,** can truly transform the adverse trends that we face in the world.'

Maharishi's approach, verified through scientific research, Dr Ayer said, is 'that you can diffuse enmity and prevent the breakout of violence. You can actually end the cycle of retaliatory violence that spawns terrorism around the world. You can create a cooperative and peaceful working society and you can ensure lasting security and stability for all mankind.'

Speaking again about the importance of science, Dr Ayer paraphrased a principle often noted with reference to Maharishi's programmes:

'Just because Newton discovered the Law of Gravity doesn't make the law of gravity English or Christian. Just because Einstein discovered the Theory of Relativity doesn't make that German or Jewish. In the same way Maharishi felt that Vedanta is the constitution of the universe and belongs to all of mankind.'

* In his translation and commentary on chapters 1-6 of the Bhagavad Gita, Maharishi explains, 'Vedanta means end of the Veda, final knowledge of the Veda. . . . The main purpose of Vedanta is to educate man in the truth that complete knowledge of life is no other than life itself as it is lived naturally on the level of Being' (the transcendental field of existence, the absolute reality of life).

** Yoga refers to the daily group practice of Maharishi's technologies of consciousness to create world peace—Transcendental Meditation and its advanced techniques including Yogic Flying. Maharishi Yagyas are precise Vedic performances conducted by Maharishi Vedic Pandits, to create specific life-supporting influences for individuals, nations, and the world from the field of pure consciousness, the Unified Field of total natural law, which is enlivened in the Pandits' consciousness through their daily advanced meditation practice.

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