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Djibouti to install thermal generators for 75 MW
17 May 2010 - Djibouti has received a $30 million loan, part of the money it needs to put up a 75 megawatt thermal electricity plant, the head of its power utility said, and has agreements for additional funding.The new power plant will be situated at Djaban Haas, 15 km south of the capital and will have an initial capacity of 75 megawatts, which can be later expanded to 300 MW, Djama Ali Guelleh said. (more)

Djibouti sees boom in banking sector - central bank chief
22 March 2010 - Djibouti's banking sector is thriving with two more foreign banks likely to start operations within a year and the number of people with accounts set to almost double by 2011, its central bank governor said. The financial sector in the tiny Horn of Africa nation is attracting new business as a stable country. (more)

Djibouti debt restructuring helps economic outlook
17 October 2008 - The Paris Club of creditor nations has agreed to restructure approximately $76 million of Djibouti's external debt, the club said in a statement. The deal was expected to reduce debt service due to Paris Club creditors from the small, east African state to $19 million from $85 million. (more)

Djibouti: Clean water for 25,000 people
3 July 2007 - In a bid to alleviate the problem of perennial water scarcity among poor residents of rural Djibouti, aid donors, the government, and a United Nations agency are backing a project to provide clean drinking water to an estimated 25,000 people in 45 villages. The project will boost the capacity of the country's 61 diesel-powered pumps with 25 new solar-power pumps. (more)


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