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When Lynch saw the light.
by Torben Olander

Berlingske Tidende    Translate This Article
13 June 2004

On 13 June 2004 Berlingske Tidende reported: David Lynch, world famous director, when visiting the Vedic Danish Peace Fair in Copenhagen in May, preferred to talk about World Peace rather than about his films. It is a joy for Global Good News service to feature this news, which indicates the success of the life-supporting programmes Maharishi has designed to bring fulfilment to the field of world peace.

Lynch, who is revered in Denmark for his movies, was invited to Denmark by the Danish TM Movement to speak about world peace at the Danish Vedic Peace Fair in Copenhagen.

The journalist produced a wonderful six-page article about Lynch and Transcendental Meditation, which appeared in one of Denmark's major newspapers. The article discusses Lynch's life, his movies, why he started TM, and why Lynch is currently engaged in promoting world peace.

The speakers at the peace conference were John Hagelin, renowned quantum physicist; David Lynch; Bjarne Landsfeldt, Prime Minister of the Danish World Peace Government and special guest, Soeren Gade, Defence Minister of Denmark.

They spoke about the creation of a coherence and peace-creating group of 8000 yogic flyers in the world, and explained that 8000 is the square root of 1 per cent of the world's population--the number needed in order to create peace in the world. An endowment fund of 1 billion dollars is needed to support the group.

They also advocated the establishment of a Danish peace-creating group of 500 yogic flyers, to which Lynch said: 'Denmark is already a very enlightened country. You are a whole different breed. If you manage to create this group, you can show us the way.'

During the interview Lynch was asked why he started meditating, and he answered: One day my sister called and said: 'Listen David, I think I've got something for you.' And one of the things she said was that you get a mantra. The mantra is the boat that brings you to the shore of the infinite never-ending ocean, the unified field. Here all the layers of your consciousness harmonize with all the physical layers, and you achieve absolute consciousness. You are one with all, and that experience opens up for more and more. It is pure ecstasy, pure consciousness, pure love, and pure peace. . . .'

And he continued: '. . . The problem is that we all believe that joy and happiness is to be found through needs fulfiled outside of ourselves. All our sensory perceptions are turned towards the world, and that's why we find joy in the world. But the world constantly changes. Every time we fulfil a desire, another arises, and then another.

'But then you hear this phrase: 'Happiness is within', and then, suddenly, it all makes sense. . . .'

The interview continues with Lynch saying:'I'm just an ordinary meditator. I'm not part of the TM Movement, but I love it for what it has done for me, and I really believe that these peace-creating groups can change the world. As Maharishi says: Do not be afraid of the darkness, just light the light. . .'

And in the end Lynch said to the journalist: 'Torben, help us make this happen in Denmark. It really would be beautiful.'

Every day Global Good News documents the rise of a better quality of life dawning in the world and highlights the need for introducing Natural Law based—Total Knowledge based—programmes to bring the support of Nature to every individual, raise the quality of life of every society, and create a lasting state of world peace.

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