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How the unemployed can create world peace
by US Peace Government Media Group

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28 July 2004

His Holiness Maharishi Mahesh Yogi proclaimed his readiness to raise every nation to invincibility and create permanent world peace by training unemployed people in every country in the peace-creating knowledge and technologies of total Natural Law. 'The government already supports the unemployed with food and shelter,' Maharishi said. 'Now, at least, they can be trained to create invincibility for their nation.'

Maharishi made his declaration during his global news conference on July 21, which was broadcast live via satellite and internet webcast from the Capital of the Global Country of World Peace in Meru, Holland. Maharishi will hold his next news conferences on July 28 and 29.

Training the unemployed and uneducated to be Peace Government administrators

Maharishi said he will train unemployed—or uneducated—people to become administrators of the Peace Government in every country. 'The Peace Government is the government of Natural Law, which peacefully administers the infinite diversity of the universe with perfect order,' Maharishi said. 'I will enliven in the awareness of a few simple people in every country the total creative potential of Natural Law so that their thought, speech, and action are always in full accord with the evolutionary trend of Natural Law. They will become administrators of the Peace Government and quietly govern the nation from the level of the Unified Field - the transcendental field of consciousness within their own Self.'

'You don't have to be employed by a company—you can be a royal employer of Natural Law'

Maharishi said his offer provides a precious opportunity—and a clear choice—for all people. 'Let the world press inform everyone: 'You don't have to be employed by a company—you don't have to be a servant who works for one particular company or government or individual,' Maharishi said. 'You can be an administrator of the Peace Government—you can live like a monarch and be a royal employer of Natural Law.'

Maharishi said the first step of employing Natural Law is to demonstrate command over the force of gravity through Yogic Flying. 'I am not a storyteller - my words should not be taken as gossip or philosophy,' Maharishi said. 'I have the knowledge to raise anyone to that level of consciousness where he will be able to command the uncommandable force of gravity, which governs the whole universe.'

Maharishi announced that courses in Yogic Flying will soon be held in every country to quickly raise the people to enlightenment and create coherent national consciousness. 'Then the government will enjoy the fruit of this coherence-prevention-oriented, problem-free administration,' Maharishi said.

Universities, colleges, and schools offering total knowledge are being established worldwide

Maharishi acknowledged that he has talked long enough about creating peace and that now is the time to implement his global peace program. Maharishi said that thousands of people from over 80 countries have applied to be 'Founders of World Peace,' with more applications coming in every day. And universities, colleges, and schools are being established throughout the world to educate the coming generations in the total knowledge of Natural Law. 'The awareness of our students will be omnipresent, omniscient, and omnipotent,' Maharishi said. 'They will not fall sick—there will be no problems, no suffering, no hang-ups, and no hold-ups.'

Founders of World Peace want to be the instruments to create an enlightened human race

Maharishi concluded by praising the Founders of World Peace as being like lighted lamps—and said that soon the whole world will be filled with such lighted lamps. 'Of course, the Founders of World Peace want to gain enlightenment for themselves—but more than that, they want to be the instrument to create an enlightened human race. They will be rulers of Peace Governments. They will be spontaneously capable of blessing every individual to be nothing less than the totality of Natural Law—the will of God. Now, with the blessings of the Vedic tradition of masters, we will have a beautifully administered world for all generations to come,' Maharishi said.

For information on Maharishi's program to create permanent world peace, including how to become a 'Founder of World Peace,' please visit

Copyright 2004 Global Good News

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