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Maharishi offers total knowledge to raise every nation to invincibility, fulfill the trend towards globalization
by US Peace Government Media Group

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3 August 2004

His Holiness Maharishi Mahesh Yogi offered to leaders of today's problem-ridden world the parental support of his Global Country of World Peace and the total knowledge of Natural Law to raise every citizen to enlightenment and every nation to invincibility—and bring supreme fulfilment to the trend towards globalization rising in the world.

'We have in our possession today the total knowledge of Natural Law to transform our world from the narrowness of nationalism to the wide-open field of globalism,' Maharishi declared during his global news conference on July 28. 'And we have created the Global Country of World Peace to serve as an umbrella to protect all nations from the onslaught of today's 'heated' chaotic atmosphere—and make our world free from conflict, suffering, negativity, and war.'

Maharishi's pronouncement was broadcast live via satellite and internet webcast from the Capital of the Global Country of World Peace in Meru, Holland. Maharishi will hold his next news conferences on August 4 and 5.

During the news conference, Maharishi also condemned the destructive political forces that on three occasions have forcefully dismantled his efforts to establish groups of 8,000 peace-creating Yogic Flyers in India. Maharishi said these destructive forces opposed his global peace program on the basis of party politics, inciting fear and violence, which caused the groups to disperse overnight.

Maharishi targeted the U.S. and British policy of 'divide and rule' as fueling these destructive political forces within India. ''Divide and rule' is a shameful policy that creates divisions within a nation in the name of democracy so that the whole country is split against itself with fights everywhere,' Maharishi said.

Maharishi's global peace program will prevail

Maharishi said that without the dismantling of his peace-creating groups, the world would have been at peace ten years ago. However, Maharishi emphasized, despite such disruptions, his global peace program will prevail—and Maharishi made clear that his efforts are now under way for every country. 'If even one nation remains without peace, that nation will create a nuisance for the world family—just as one little thorn throws the whole body out of balance,' Maharishi said.

Establishing Peace Governments in 108 countries and Peace Palaces in 3,000 cities

Maharishi's global peace plan calls for the immediate establishment of Peace Governments in 108 countries along with 3,000 Peace Palaces in the world's largest 3,000 cities. Each Peace Palace will offer courses in total knowledge for all areas of society to raise the whole population to enlightenment. Each Peace Palace will also be home to a group of 100 to 200 peace-creating experts whose collective practice of Yogic Flying will promote coherent collective consciousness—the basis of national invincibility. 'Three thousand Peace Palaces will be enough to maintain total Natural Law—divine wakefulness—in the awareness of the people and raise every nation to invincibility. Then every nation will enjoy the supreme level of globalization, where no nation will lose its identity and every nation will enjoy the strength of every other nation,' Maharishi said.

Scientific research shows that a group of 8,000 Yogic Flyers will create world peace

In response to a press question about how group practice of Yogic Flying will create world peace, Maharishi explained that his Yogic Flying technique opens human awareness to the Unified Field of Natural Law—the unmanifest field of 'nothingness' that administers the manifest universe. 'Through the power of a gentle thought during Yogic Flying, the individual mind commands the tremendous force of gravity and the body lifts up in the air. From that self-referral field of consciousness, which administers the universe with perfect order, the individual is virtually the ruler of the universe,' said Maharishi, who then explained: 'One candle eliminates the darkness close at hand, but many candles together create a flood of light and keep darkness at a far-off distance. In the same way, scientific research shows that 8,000 Yogic Flyers in one place is enough to create an indomitable influence of coherence and peace for the whole world.'

'We are ringing the 'bell of invincibility' for every nation—now and for all generations to come'

Maharishi concluded by saying that the same Unified Field glimpsed by modern science and sung by enlightened people throughout the ages is now open to direct experience by everyone in the world today. 'Throughout the ages, sages and saints have written beautiful songs, poetry, and prose about their experiences of total Natural Law—of basking in the sunshine of the divine light of God. Now, with the blessings of the Vedic tradition of masters, we are singing the same eternal song of life—the same song that maintains the infinite diversity of the universe in one unified wholeness. That is why we are ringing the 'bell of invincibility' for every nation—now and for all generations to come,' Maharishi said.

Copyright 2004 US Peace Government

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