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Maharishi challenges the President of India: 'Can you save your nation from an enemy attack?'
by US Peace Government Media Group

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10 August 2004

His Holiness Maharishi Mahesh Yogi this week issued a pointed challenge to the President of India—the world's largest democracy—questioning whether or not the Indian government is competent to save its people from enemy attack. And if not, Maharishi asked, what is the President prepared to do about it?

'As a citizen of India, I have a right to respectfully ask my President: 'With all the power that is vested in you by the Constitution of India, can you truthfully say you can defend the nation? And if not, are you prepared to learn something new in order to protect your people?'' Maharishi asked.

The President of India, Dr. Abdul Kalam, is a top physicist and developer of India's missile systems.

Maharishi invited the President to join with Dr. John Hagelin, a world-renowned quantum physicist and President of the U.S. Peace Government, to create world peace. 'I hear the President of India is shaking hands with the destructive power of America—with that 'thorny bush,'' Maharishi said. 'I want the President of India to shake hands with the constructive power of America—with Dr. Hagelin. Together, they can create invincibility for their nations and build a beautiful platform of permanent world peace. I have hope in the President of India because he is vital, a brahmacharyi, a Purusha, a celibate with a background in science.'

Maharishi issued his challenge to the President of India—which he also extended to all government leaders—on August 4 during his global news conference, which was broadcast live via satellite and Internet webcast from the Capital of the Global Country of World Peace in Meru, Holland. Maharishi will hold his next news conferences on August 11 and 12.

Invincibility is only available on the level of the Unified Field

In response to a press question about what Dr. Hagelin will tell the President of India, Maharishi said, 'The President of India is a scientist who must know about the Unified Field, which has been glimpsed by modern science and known by ancient Vedic science throughout the ages. So, Dr. Hagelin will tell the President something he already knows but perhaps has forgotten due to the chaos of today's world. Dr. Hagelin will remind the President of a simple formula—that invincibility is available only on the level of the Unified Field because that is the only level that cannot be disturbed by outside influences. And Dr. Hagelin will tell him about simple Vedic technologies that enliven the Unified Field, the Veda, in human awareness to promote coherent collective consciousness—the basis of invincibility for the nation and permanent peace in the world,' Maharishi said.

Extensive published scientific research has proven that groups of experts practicing Maharishi's Vedic technologies, including Transcendental Meditation and Yogic Flying, create coherence and harmony in collective consciousness, thereby preventing negative trends, such as crime, conflict, and war; and promoting positive tendencies throughout the whole population.

Maharishi said that by joining with Dr. Hagelin, President Abdul Kalam can become a true president of India—'the land of the Veda'—and a lighted lamp to guide the destiny of all mankind. Maharishi said he is now awaiting the President's response to his invitation.

Avert the danger which has not yet come

In response to another press question, Maharishi declared the Vedic approach to prevention to be the only way to safeguard a nation from attack. 'Follow the Vedic wisdom: 'Avert the danger which has not yet come,'' Maharishi said. 'Create coherent national consciousness to transform the enmity of the enemy into friendship. Then you will defeat the enemy in his own home—even before he can think of raiding you.'

Maharishi said any government can create coherence through Vedic technologies of the Unified Field. 'Wake up the invincible power of the the Unified Field—the Constitution of the Universe—within the self-referral consciousness of the people, and then no danger will come to the nation. It is easy for a nation to rise to invincibility, but it is difficult for people to endure problems and suffering,' Maharishi said.

'Don't waste a moment—because who knows what will happen tomorrow?'

Maharishi concluded by emphasizing that his challenge is directed to all government leaders who are searching for a way to safeguard their nations. 'We want every government to have this knowledge to create coherent national consciousness. Then everyone in every nation will rise above the reach of problems and enjoy peace, positivity, and affluence now—and for all times to come,' said Maharishi, who then strongly advised the government leaders: 'But you must take action now. You must light the lamp so you will not be wrapped in darkness. Don't waste even a moment—because who knows what will happen tomorrow?'

For more information on Maharishi's Global Country of World Peace, please visit

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