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Maharishi's holiday message: 'Know thyself' through Transcendental Meditation
by Peace Government Media Team

Global Country Press Release    Translate This Article
29 December 2004

His Holiness Maharishi Mahesh Yogi offered his Transcendental Meditation technique to the world as the fulfillment of education and the basis of every religion: a simple, effortless technique for the systematic exploration of the Self within. Maharishi said that with total knowledge of the Self—the Unified Field, the Light of God—everyone can know everything, do anything, and promote invincibility in his nation and permanent peace on earth.

'Explore the Self through Transcendental Meditation,' Maharishi said. 'From that level, Total Natural Law—which administers the Universe with perfect order—will support your every thought, speech, and action. From that level, you can move mountains and create worlds.' Maharishi's proclamation came during his December 22 global news conference. During the news conference, Maharishi also denounced as 'nonreligious' the violence and conflict between peoples and nations in the name of religion. The only reason such fighting persists, Maharishi said, is because people do not follow the ideal teachings of their own religions. 'Suffering does not belong to one who is on the blissful path to God, just as increasing darkness does not belong to one who is coming closer to the light,' Maharishi said. 'There will be peace on earth, without problems and suffering, as soon as people follow their religious teachings.' For this, Maharishi urged people of all religions to practice Transcendental Meditation, which provides a simple, effortless way for any individual to dive within and experience the Unified Field—the Light of God—the self-referral Transcendental Consciousness within everyone.

Maharishi also said that Transcendental Meditation will fulfill the missing element in education. 'It is not enough to only become an engineer or a doctor or some other profession,' Maharishi said. ''Know thyself' through Transcendental Meditation—and with this knowledge you will have the power to know everything, be everything, and do everything.' Maharishi explained that Transcendental Meditation allows the mind to settle down to the Self—the source of creation—the unmanifest ocean of nothingness at the basis of all worldly activity. 'Like the hollow nothingness within the seed of a tree, which contains the potential of the entire tree, the experience of nothingness in the unmanifest field has within it the lively potential of everything in creation,' Maharishi said. 'From that level, you don't have to work hard to achieve anything. You only have to desire what you want and Natural Law will serve you. This is the knowledge we want all of our children to enjoy—now and for all future generations.'

Vedic universities are being established to satisfy the thirst for Total Knowledge Maharishi pointed out that while children are born with the innate desire to know everything, their teachers and parents do not know how to fulfill this desire. 'That is why we are establishing Vedic universities, colleges, and schools to bring Total Knowledge to everyone in every area of society. Then parents and teachers can satisfy the natural thirst of the coming generation to know everything,' Maharishi said.

Maharishi also emphasized that older people are not to blame for failing to provide this proper guidance for the young: 'They have never had the experience of transcending—they have never been given a peek into the reality,'

Maharishi said. National invincibility has its basis in the invincibility of the individual In response to a press question about his program to create permanent world peace, Maharishi said that in addition to establishing Vedic educational institutions throughout the world, global efforts are also under way to quickly establish a few groups of 8,000 people practicing Transcendental Meditation and Yogic Flying to raise every nation to invincibility. 'National invincibility is based on the invincibility, freedom, and self-sufficiency of the individual. A few groups of 8,000 people practicing Yogic Flying together will maintain coherent collective consciousness so that no problems or negativity will arise anywhere on earth,'

Maharishi said. Every individual and government is invited to become competent in preventing problems Maharishi concluded by saying that now is the time to turn on the light of Total Natural Law—the light of God—everywhere in the world. 'With the grace of our master, Guru Dev, and the tradition of Vedic masters throughout the ages, we have the Vedic knowledge—the Total Knowledge of Natural Law. And we lovingly invite every individual and every government to take this knowledge and become competent to prevent problems and suffering through proper education, proper health care, proper agriculture, proper defense—through all the beautiful programs we offer at our Vedic universities everywhere in the world,' said Maharishi, who then added: 'If people choose not to take the knowledge, and they suffer, then that is their choice and no one can make them enjoy. But our advice is to take it and come out of darkness and enjoy the light.'

Copyright 2004 Global Country of World Peace

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