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India is the epicentre of global positive trends
by GGN-India Desk staff writer

Age of Enlightenment News Service    Translate This Article
New Delhi, India
22 May 2005

On 22 May 2005 Age of Enlightenment News Service reported: His Holiness Maharishi Mahesh Yogi has said India is the epicentre of all the positive trends taking place in the world. Addressing the media in his weekly press conference on the Maharishi Channel, Maharishi said the Vedic Yagyas and Anushthans being performed in India have resulted in tremendous progress in relations between some of the bitterest enemies. It is a joy for Global Good News service to feature this news, which indicates the success of the life-supporting programmes Maharishi has designed to bring fulfilment to the field of world peace.

Expressing great satisfaction over these positive results, Maharishi, the founder of the Global Country World Peace, said the Vedic performances in India have brought India and Pakistan, North and South Korea, and Taiwan and China closer—a growing harmony which some time back, many thought was impossible.

He said the positive vibrations from India have now started showing results. 'But contrast to this, is the example of Britain, where negativity in collective consciousness has compelled the Transcendental Meditation Organization to stop their programmes. And the result is the overall slump in the national consciousness, the poor performance on the economic front, and the rising social anarchy in the island nation,' he added.

Maharishi said India, despite his warnings, has failed to realize that the US, in the name of peace initiatives, is in fact pitting India and Pakistan against each other by offering them arms. He said the Prime Minister of India is falling to the lure of the US and making the great country of India vulnerable and weak. Maharishi also advised the Indian government not to squander the precious and hard-earned money of its people on the purchasing of arms.

Maharishi also exuded confidence and said nuclear weapons may be posing a great danger to the whole world, but India through its Vedic defence could still stem the rot. He elaborated on the effectiveness of Vedic Yagyas and yogic flying and how these programmes could realize the Vedic concept of silence and dynamism and turn the whole society into a positive mould. His peace governments all over the world are propagating the concept of 'Heyam Dukham Anagatam' (prevent the suffering which has not yet arrived).

Maharishi said the suppliers of lethal arms are as culpable as even the dreaded terrorists. 'What could be a greater hypocrisy than talking of peace and selling arms to others? This is precisely what the US and its cronies are up to.'

Maharishi said the concept of democracy and its propagators has fragmented the collective consciousness of nations, and the freedom of speech in this system has created many opinion makers who are responsible for making divisions in the societies.

Maharishi made it clear that it is not a matter of taking credit for these positive trends, but it is his commitment towards permanent world peace. He hoped the world would soon see more positive results as the number of peace-creating groups grows. He also appealed to all governments to adopt his Vedic programmes and liberate themselves from all the negative tendencies.

Every day Global Good News documents the rise of a better quality of life dawning in the world and highlights the need for introducing Natural Law based—Total Knowledge based—programmes to bring the support of Nature to every individual, raise the quality of life of every society, and create a lasting state of world peace.

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