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Maharishi to inaugurate 'Practical Programmes for Developing Higher States of Consciousness'
by Peace Government Media Team

Global Country of World Peace    Translate This Article
29 November 2005

His Holiness Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, founder of the Global Country of World Peace, will inaugurate his 'Practical Programs for Developing Higher States of Consciousness' during a global news conference to be held on Wednesday, 30 November . The news conference will be held on the fourth day of an eight-day series of conferences in Geneva, the city at the hub of international development and home to numerous international organizations.

The news conference will be broadcast live via satellite and Internet webcast from the Domaine de Penthes in Geneva. Maharishi will address the conference from the Capital of the Global Country of World Peace in Meru, Holland. The special new starting time for Maharishi's press conference will be 7:00 p.m. (CET), 1:00 p.m. (USA ET), and 11:30 p.m. (India time.).

The 8-day series of conferences is launching several new organizations designed specifically to bring peace, prosperity, and happiness—good fortune and invincibility—to the people of every nation on earth. The theme of the conferences is 'Celebrating the Dawn of a New Fortune for All Mankind'—bringing the support of the eternal light of the Cosmic Constitution for all nations to enjoy real sovereignty and invincibility.

The conferences began on Sunday, 27 November, with the inauguration of Maharishi University of World Peace—a new global University with its headquarters in Geneva and colleges in every country to bring the complete knowledge of Natural Law to every nation through internet and satellite broadcasting.

The inauguration commenced with the invocation of Divine Intelligence through Vedic Recitation, performed by expert Vedic scholars in India who will be connected to the conferences via satellite video link. The tradition of Vedic Recitation has been proclaimed by UNESCO to be a 'Masterpiece of the Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity'. By enlivening Total Natural Law, the Constitution of the Universe, Vedic Recitation radiates a purifying influence to the national anthems of our dear world.

The study of the physical sciences in the light of the ancient Vedic Science of Consciousness will be offered through Maharishi University of World Peace and its Colleges of World Peace in every country. Scientists at the Geneva conference, and other scientists addressing the conference from the USA and Europe via video link, are discussing how Maharishi University of World Peace will apply 'Total Knowledge' to the fields of education, health, architecture, agriculture, politics, economics, communication, engineering, etc., to create a perfect man who will not make mistakes in his private or professional life.

Present at the conference, and also speaking via video link from other countries, are several Rajas and Ministers of the Global Country of World Peace. The Rajas and Ministers are now creating a new light of life for all mankind under the guidance of His Majesty Maharaja Nader Raam, First Ruler of the Global Country of World Peace, the most eminent scientist of this age who is renowned for his discovery of consciousness at the basis of the human physiology—proving that man is really Cosmic, administered by the evolutionary power of the Constitution of the Universe, the Veda, the common 'heritage of all humanity'.

The eight conferences in Geneva during the eight days of celebration together herald the dawn of a new fortune for all mankind. The Raja of Switzerland, Dr Felix Kägi, host of the conferences, is cordially inviting the leaders of the international community in Geneva to attend and bring this new light of life to their countries.

On Monday, 28 November, the conference featured the inauguration of Maharishi Vedic University to establish Consciousness-Based Education in every country, separately for men and ladies. And on Tuesday, 29 November, the conference featured the inauguration of Maharishi Vedic Medical University to establish Vedic Medical Colleges in every country. The schedule for the remaining conferences include:

* Wednesday 30 November, 7:00 to 9:30 pm (CET): Global News Conference/Inauguration of Practical Programmes for Developing Higher States of Consciousness

* Thursday, 1 December, 2:00 to 4:30 pm: Inauguration of a Worldwide Poverty-Removal Programme; announcing the establishment of a new Global Development Currency—the Raam

* Friday, 2 December, 7:00 to 9:30 pm: Inauguration of the Reconstruction Programme of the World—building fortune-creating homes according to ancient Vedic Architecture

* Saturday, 3 December, 3:00 to 5:30 pm: Inauguration of the Global Institute of Vedic Astrology to predict and prevent misfortune; and inauguration of Maharishi Colleges of Invincible Defence for victory before war

* Sunday, 4 December, 3:00 to 5:30 pm: Inauguration of the Peace Government with its International Capital in Geneva; and inauguration of the new Global Parliament for Permanent World Peace with its National Parliaments in each country

'With these historic conferences and the launch of these new organizations, the international city of Geneva will radiate the dawn of a new fortune for all mankind.' —Raja Felix

For further information see: Press contact: Leonard Stein 41 (0) 79 814 3901 or 41 (0) 22 733 3142 Email:

CONFERENCE VENUE: Domaine de Penthes, La Salle d'Erlach, 18, chemin de l'Imperatrice, 1292 Pregny-Geneve.

The conferences are offered by Dr Felix Kägi, Raja of Switzerland and Director of Maharishi University of World Peace, a charitable organization established in 1975 in Lucerne. Maharishi University of World Peace, Obergrundstrasse 17, 6003 Luzern.

Copyright©2005 Global Country of World Peace

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