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'World Capital of Peace' arrives in north Kansas: Transcendental Meditation, organic farming will be emphasis of $14 million complex
by George Diepenbrock

Laurence Journal-World    Translate This Article
26 April 2006

On 26 April 2006 Laurence Journal-World reported: The initial phase of construction has begun on the World Capital of Peace, a $14 million complex in Smith County, Kansas. The World Capital of Peace, located on 480 acres at the very centre of the US, will be home to the programmes of two non-profit organizations: The Global Country of World Peace and the US Peace Government. It is a joy for Global Good News service to feature this news, which indicates the success of the life-supporting programmes Maharishi has designed to bring fulfilment to the field of world peace.

The article reports that 'On the Smith Center property, 12 to 15 buildings are planned and those who live in the community will focus on practicing Transcendental Meditation and organic farming. Each building will be about 12,000 square feet... and will include living quarters and meeting space. The site will also be open to tourists.'

Residents and officials of Smith County have come to welcome the proposed World Capital of Peace after learning more about it from leaders of the project.

The article explains that 'the U.S. Peace Government is meant to complement rather than replace the existing government' and quoted quantum physicist and President of the US Peace Government John Hagelin as saying that its goal is to 'promote prevention-oriented, problem-free administration.'

The article also explains that that 'all types of people are drawn to Transcendental Meditation.' Ecologist and Global Country of World Peace director of government relations Kent Boyum is quoted as saying: 'The people who practice are all kinds of people—all shapes, all colors. Some have religion. Some don't. It isn't an absolute way of life. Some people just add to their normal way of life and have less stress.'

One remaining concern is the water usage of such a large complex, as water is in short supply in the area. The article reports that directors of the World Capital of Peace 'are working with engineers in Salina to develop the land and the rural water district there'.

Every day Global Good News documents the rise of a better quality of life dawning in the world and highlights the need for introducing Natural Law based—Total Knowledge based—programmes to bring the support of Nature to every individual, raise the quality of life of every society, and create a lasting state of world peace.

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