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Invincible America Course announced
by Dr John Hagelin

Global Country of World Peace    Translate This Article
21 July 2006

Following is the letter announcing the second conference call about the Invincible American assembly:

Dear Governors and Sidhas,

The initial response to Maharishi's call for 2500 Yogic Flyers at MUM and 1000 in Washington is heartening! Hundreds have applied already in the 24 hours since the Course was announced last night.

(To see that announcement, or to apply for the Course, go to

But we must keep the momentum building! We need thousands of Yogic Flyers--which means, EVERY ONE OF US MUST COME! And come fast! The urgent need is now--even for 2-4 weeks, starting right away. And we should inspire all our friends to come.


The Invincible America Course starts tomorrow (Saturday). For any who can arrive by tomorrow in Fairfield/MVC or Washington, we are ready to receive you! EVERYONE SHOULD COME AS SOON AS THEY CAN. Let us begin to create coherence immediately.

Student Loans Available. Long term, low-interest student loans are available to US citizens and permanent residents who hold a BA degree. These loans would cover all costs for those who can stay for somewhat longer periods. For details, go to


1. A TM-Sidhi Refresher Course will be offered to ensure that everyone enjoys the most profound and blissful experiences of the Sidhis.

2. Canadians are welcome! As are all internationals who are permanent residents (i.e., who hold green cards).

3. All Fairfield / Maharishi Vedic City residents SHOULD apply and attend the Course en masse! Maharishi is counting on you to be the backbone of this course. We need 1500 Yogic Flyers from Fairfield and Maharishi Vedic City alone!

Acceptance on the Invincible America Course gives you a free Dome badge and free participation in the entire Invincible America Course program! You will enjoy access to the beautiful rounding program with three long flying sessions a day, to all the inspiring knowledge meetings, to regular contact with Maharishi and guidance from him, to the celebrations and concerts--to everything. Everyone should apply-even if you cannot do the full rounding program! (See next point.) (Note: There is no course fee or room charge for area residents living at home. A meal badge can be purchased for those who desire one.)

4. Fairfield / Maharishi Vedic City residents can enroll PART TIME. That means, you would do one round in the morning (instead of two), and one in the afternoon--and work your normal jobs during they day (from about 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.). While it is preferable to take the full course, we need absolutely EVERYONE to contribute something to national invincibility and world peace right now. And doing two long, blissful rounds each day with the group is already very powerful!

5. It is possible to enroll in the Invincible America Course for 1-week segments. That means, for example, that employers can 'rotate' their employees through the course, one week at a time. BUT we urge that all employees of every Fairfield and MVC business encourage all their employees to at least remain on the 1 1 rounding program at all times. This will allow them to be on the job each day from about 10 a.m. until 3 p.m. Support of Nature for the business will be maximum!

6. Meditators. At the present time, there is no provision for meditator accommodations on the Course. Meditators who are not yet practicing the TM-Sidhi program are encouraged to learn the Sidhis as soon as possible.

7. Scholarships. Some people have requested financial assistance, and a few scholarships have already been granted. We would like to encourage anyone with resources to send scholarship support for those who need it. It's not much money to support a Yogic Flyer to bring peace to the world at this critical time. Please make your check payable to 'Maharishi University of Management,' and put Invincible America Scholarship in the memo section. Send to Institute of Science, Technology and Public Policy, 1000 N 4th St., Fairfield, IA 52557. (We will soon have a link to make credit card donations on the website.)

8. Day Care. Mothers of young children will, of course, wish to focus their attention on the children. For older children, we would encourage mothers and parents to coordinate among themselves.

Visit the website for more answers to frequently asked questions (FAQs).



John Hagelin

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