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Stock market continues to climb during second day of 'Invincible America' course

Global Country of World Peace    Translate This Article
31 July 2006

Global Country of World Peace Press Release

Stock market continues to climb during second day of 'Invincible America' course

Nearly 1600 Yogic Flyers in Washington, DC, and Iowa are creating coherent national consciousness

'Watch what happens tomorrow'

(JULY 26) Wall Street continued its unexpected climb yesterday, gaining 53 points following Monday's dramatic spike, while the price of gold and crude oil dropped markedly during the second day of the 'Invincible America' course now being held in Washington, DC, and Iowa.

Nearly 1600 coherence-creating experts have gathered to practice Yogic Flying together in large groups to create coherent collective consciousness-the basis of prosperity, harmony, and invincibility for the nation.

Rising stock markets and declining gold and oil prices are all strong indicators of rising optimism and confidence in the country's economic future. Experts predicted the upheaval in the Middle East would depress Wall Street and send gold and oil skyrocketing. To the surprise of most economists, the opposite occurred.

'This unshakeable national psychology is due to the stabilizing influence of the Yogic Flyers on the collective consciousness of the nation,' said Dr John Hagelin, the world-renowned quantum physicist who is directing the Invincible America course.

'Extensive published research has verified that even a small number of people in a country practising Yogic Flying together in a group (as few as the square root of one percent of the population) is sufficient to create coherent, stable national consciousness-promoting positive trends and decreasing negative tendencies throughout the whole population.' Dr Hagelin also serves as Director of the Institute of Science, Technology and Public Policy of Maharishi University of Management.

For the United States, with a population of just over 300 million, the required number of Yogic Flyers is 1730. However, Dr Hagelin said, as many as 3000 are expected to participate in this national invincibility course to create a 'safety factor.'

Dr Hagelin said the large groups of Yogic Flyers in Washington, DC, and in Maharishi Vedic City, Iowa, are creating the equivalent of the 'Meissner Effect' in national consciousness. 'This deep principal of invincibility from quantum physics reveals that internal coherence and harmony in a system spontaneously repel disruptive influences,' Dr Hagelin said.

'This same principle is being applied today to create a coherent, invincible national consciousness. This coherence will promote governmental success and national security-preventing negativity from arising either within or outside the nation. As more Yogic Flyers join the Invincible America Course, today's first signs of good news will get better and better.

Dr Hagelin challenged the press to continue to monitor the good news daily: 'Watch what happens tomorrow!'

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