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The 7th day of the 2nd month of US national consciousness rising to invincibility
by Global Good News staff writer

Global Country of World Peace    Translate This Article
31 August 2006

There is a general, overall reduction of fear in the collective consciousness of the nation on the 7th day of the 2nd month of US national consciousness rising to invincibility, as indicated by the following press reports...

29 August 2006

Gold plunges 14 per cent from a 26-year high of $732 an ounce on 12 May - Gold prices fell for the fifth time in six days in New York. 'There isn't a lot of fear about Iran or elsewhere in the Middle East right now,' said one leading investor. Gold slips as oil falls, reflecting reduced anxiety in financial markets - Investors are less worried about geopolitical factors and calmer on inflation.

Reuters: Oil tumbles to a two-month low - Crude-oil futures were down Tuesday as Ernesto was downgraded to a tropical storm and veered away from key US oil and natural gas infrastructures in the Gulf of Mexico.

The Washington Post: Gas Prices Record Steepest Decline Since November; Plunge 15 Cents Over 2 Weeks Interestingly, the lowest price in America for a gallon of gas in a major city was $2.60 a gallon in Des Moines, Iowa—near Maharishi Vedic City and Maharishi University of Management—the centre of coherence in the US.

More good economic news...

Reuters: US chain store sales rise for fourth straight week

In the Middle East, the cease-fire is holding as several Muslim countries join other European nations in sending peacekeeping forces to serve as a buffer between Israel and Hezbollah...

The New York Times: Turkey Cabinet Approves Lebanon Force The predominantly Muslim nation of Malaysia has also offered about 1,000 soldiers.

Also, for the first time, there is a growing popular sentiment in Israel that the Lebanon war was completely unnecessary—a total waste of precious human life and national resources. And at the same sentiment was recently voiced by the leader of Hezbollah. Here is a headline you could only have dreamed about reading before our course started!

The Associated Press: Hezbollah admits error over war with Israel - Hezbollah on Sunday night admitted it would not have captured the two Israeli soldiers last month had it known a war would follow. 'If you were to ask me, if I had known on July 11 [Note: two weeks before the start of our Course] that the operation would lead to such a war with so much death and destruction, would I do it? I say no, absolutely not,' the leader of the militia said.

Here are signs of a cooling down in another nuclear hotspot...

The New York Times: North Korea Removes Missile Equipment - North Korea has removed all long-range missile equipment from a launch site, significantly lowering the possibility of a new test launch.

More news of Nature support...

CNN: Weakened Ernesto no threat to oil rigs in Gulf Coast - Just two days ago, meteorologists feared Tropical Storm Ernesto could turn into a major hurricane, but the storm has weakened significantly, and is expected to hit landfall in south Florida without doing any damage to the oil rigs in the Gulf Coast.

Last year by this time, five hurricanes had hit the United States. This year, there have 'weakened tropical storm.' This outcome is beyond statistical coincidence—and is a clear indication of rising invincibility for the US.

Another sign of an easing drought and relief to farmers...

Austin American-Statesman: Storms bring welcome relief from Texas drought


Finally, rising coherence in collective consciousness is bringing greater receptivity to Maharishi's programmes, as seen in an excellent article that appeared today in Teacher Magazine - the leading news magazine for primary and secondary education in America. It is distributed to every K-12 public school in the US.

Teacher Magazine: 'Take Your Meditation'

The article features an interview with Dr. David Lynch, Enlightenment Conference graduate, member of the Board of Trustees at Maharishi University of Management, and Chairman of the David Lynch Foundation for Consciousness-Based Education and World Peace. Here are two short excerpts from that interview...

QUESTIONER: Why do you think Transcendental Meditation would benefit our nation's schools?

DR LYNCH: I've met the students who take part in consciousness-based education, and it's like looking at a miracle. They are shiny, self-assured, very powerful human beings. They're each individuals, but really packed with what it takes to have a love of life and a chance for huge success.

QUESTIONER: Of all the issues in education today, why did you choose to take on this one?

DR LYNCH: Education today develops a student to go out and earn money, and they're still packed with all that stress, all that anger, all that anxiety and fear. As a result, life is not worth living. You're just doing it for the almighty dollar, and it's a stress-packed world. If you want to get rid of that stress, if you want to really enjoy life, if you want to excel in school in a natural, easy way, learn to dive within and experience the big self-pure consciousness. The experience unfolds, and it's so easy.

It's a holistic experience, so all avenues of life begin to improve and all negative things begin to recede. This is a true thing. You introduce this into schools and you have students that are really and truly rising in consciousness, rising in intelligence.

Copyright © 2006 Global Country of World Peace

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