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Holiday season starts with a bang

Global Country of World Peace    Translate This Article
1 December 2006

Today is the 125th day since the start of the Invincible America Assembly where 1,700 Yogic Flyers have gathered at Maharishi University of Management and Maharishi Vedic City, Iowa, to create coherence in national consciousness—and where the number of Yogic Flyers will be rising day by day to 2,000 Yogic Flyers to create a permanent state of national invincibility.

Each day the rise of coherence in US national consciousness can be seen in the increasingly positive press reports in all areas of national life.

25 November 2006

Reuters: US tries broader approach to Iraq conflict — The Bush administration is renewing efforts to break the cycle of violence in Iraq by enlisting the help of moderate Arab nations while also seeking to resolve the Israeli-Palestinian conflict through diplomatic efforts.

This new development shows a rise in the parental role of government, which can be seen as the enlivenment in national consciousness of the unifying and nourishing qualities of the Unified Field due to the group of 1,700 Yogic Flyers.

In the area of the environment, these two reports:

From the Washington Post: Oil companies are working to reduce greenhouse emissions — For the first time, executives at many of the nation's largest energy companies have accepted the scientific consensus about climate change and are working to change company practices to reduce greenhouse emissions. 'The tenor, tone and the detail of discussions has changed in the last couple of months,' the Post writes.

The Los Angeles Times: A coalition of 12 states will tell the Supreme Court that the federal government has the responsibility to control greenhouse gas emissions linked to global warming

These two new developments show a growing appreciation and care for the environment, which can be seen as the enlivenment in national consciousness of the holistic, balancing, and integrating and harmonizing qualities of the Unified Field due to the group of 1,700 Yogic Flyers.

And finally, in the area of the economy:

From CNBC Television: Insurance costs falling — In a welcome boon for consumers, many key areas of insurance are experiencing unexpected price drops due, in part, to this season's mild hurricane season and no big payout for terrorism...

The Holiday shopping season starts with a big bang — Retailers got a boost from generally favourable weather throughout the nation.

These two developments indicate greater abundance in the country as well as more balance in the weather leading to more wealth, which can be seen as the enlivenment in national consciousness of the expanding, balancing, and blossoming of totality qualities of the Unified Field due to the group of 1,700 Yogic Flyers.

These are few of the news stories indicating the rise of invincibility in the United States due to the group of 1,700 and soon to be 2,000—Yogic Flyers creating coherent national consciousness from Maharishi University of Management and Maharishi Vedic City, and from Yogic Flying groups in Washington, DC, and around the country.

Creating national invincibility

Groups of experts in Yogic Flying are engaged in creating coherent national consciousness in the United States, the Netherlands, Canada, Hamsa (Hungary), and an increasing number of other nations, which are enjoying a dramatic and sustained upsurge in positive economic and social trends.

Extensive research published in the world's leading scientific journals has found that the group practice of the Transcendental Meditation Sidhi Programme Yogic Flying by the square root of one per cent of a population is sufficient to reduce negative trends, including crime and violence, and to promote positive economic and social tendencies throughout society.

The cost to train and employ such a group is a small fraction of what any government spends on its military in a single day.

Maharishi's approach to invincibility is in sharp contrast to the conventional military approach. 'Our approach does not require the government to sacrifice the youth for the sake of the nation—because when the youth are killed in war, then for whom is the nation?' Maharishi said.

The harmony and progress of the human race are founded on the internal harmony and progress of every individual. No stress, no strain, no impediment, no difficulty can withstand the totally benign influence of the enlivenment of the Unified Field of Natural Law, the field of Transcendental Consciousness, the field of pure knowledge, through Maharishi's Transcendental Meditation and TM-Sidhi Programme.

Refer to: Scientific Research on Maharishi's Transcendental Meditation Programme: Collected Papers, Volumes 1-5 (over 5,000 pages; Volumes 6-7 in press), a Maharishi University of Management Publication.

Copyright © 2006 Global Country of World Peace

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