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Global Country of World Peace on 'Peace Line' in Northern Ireland - Part II

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3 May 2007

Since the Global Country of World Peace began initiatives in Northern Ireland under the inspiration of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, according to Ms Andrea Gribben, Founder of Invincibility, 'The peace process has accelerated by 200 per cent and the violence has ended; the economy is buoyant; property prices have risen by about 100 per cent in the last nine months; and many business people from other countries are investing here now.'

Ms Gribben said that when the Global Country of World Peace purchased land on a 'Peace Line' (one of many walls separating Protestant and Catholic areas) in the centre of Belfast (described in Part I of this series), in order to build a new Invincibility School, signs were posted on the existing structure explaining the Global Country of World Peace and its aims:

- To establish Consciousness-Based Education

- Building design in accord with Natural Law

- Programmes to create perfect health

- Unity in Diversity

- Global Country Peace College

Three buildings will be built on the site: one to the front facing north; a large building to the east; and a third, also facing north, for the school, situated as close to the Peace Line as possible, to have children from both sides of the community attending.

Ms Gribben explained that Belfast is a divided community, and thus the intention is that, when the new buildings are ready, the gates of the Peace Line will be open permanently and people of both sides will enjoy coming there.

She also explained that this is an area of 'Regeneration'. The government is very keen that these formerly troubled areas be regenerated, and they are greatly interested in the projects and buildings that will be built there. They wanted very beautiful, imposing buildings in this area, so the buildings are planned to be quite tall, with beautiful marble exteriors; including the school, a spa, along with shops, offices, and apartments.

The Regeneration criteria for a Peace Line building site are: healthy housing, raising the educational standard, creating employment, and housing. Thus, said Ms Gribben, the Global Country of World Peace is supplying absolutely everything they want, and has their full support. In addition, they welcome the idea of buildings constructed according to Sthapatya Veda, with the light coming in every direction. Construction is expected to begin within a few months.

Ms Gribben attributes her success in Northern Ireland, to moving into a Maharishi Sthapatya Veda home, and just following simply the guidance given by Maharishi for the project. 'Even if there are only one or two people like my husband and myself, there is only us, but we just do it by ourselves. Do not think you cannot do it,' she said, 'because Maharishi will help you every step of the way.'

For information about Maharishi's six-point programme to create a healthy, happy, prosperous society, and a peaceful world, please visit: Global Financial Capital of New York.

Copyright © 2007 Global Good News(sm) Service

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